Hello. I just joined this site a couple hours ago and mustered up the courage to finally post.
So I am 17 years old and I have been having a really hard time, with dealing with my depression and anxiety. At times I feel so numb and I am unable to cry any longer. I have been bullied since pre k. ( sorry if this gets long but im gonna put everything out there, as I dont share my feelings ever). So, currently I am a senior in high school and am still bullied everyday. People would say I smell and would tell others(their friends) that I do. This caused me to ask my mother specifically to smell me. She would always say no. My father has a sensitive nose as well so he would've defonetely said if I did and he never does. This is what I believe triggered my anxiety for the first time ever starting my first year here in 9th grade. I believe it was the last straw for my mind if that makes sense? For my breaking point. I already have what they now call( resting bixch face) all my life. This would make people say im ugly, strangers say "smile,"or I just get dirty mean looks. Yet, you can still tell when im in a good mood and I won't look serious etc.. On the train and bus, I now would twitch in the face, at lunch my head may involuntarily jerk at times. I also seem to sweat alto more, but I dont know if I would say its hyperhydrosis yet. Now to top my bullying issue, i am a true introvert...top that with depression and anxiety and it just isn't a good mix. I used to cry every night in middle school and remember that time my mother found my suicide letter/note and I claimed it was a "story" I was writing. Or when I tried to climb out the window when I was younger.. Im not someone who expresses my feelings at all. I keep to myself and basically stay in my room all day. I no longer can concentrate well in school. My grades for as long as I can remmwber was always at least a grade point average of 82.00% t00i believe the highest in range was 88% Now I am in the low 70's, barely hanging on and im really disappointed in myself. I can't seem to shake it off. From anything as simple to losing my keys, or not being able to find my glasses, I get so overwhelmed and feel like a failure. Everything built up comes out like a rage and I may sit and cry, I may mess up my room in anger, or I may get so wrapped up in my thoughts and think suicide. Just earlier I literally banged my head twice almost without intentionally wanting to on the shower door;hoping to hurt myself. Then I grabbed a knife wanting to cut yo the palms of my hands just standing there a while, to then gaze upon anything that I could possibly hurt myself with. I dont believe I have the courage to actually kill myself but I know I have the potential after my one incident where I was to cut my leg with a scissor. Realization hit me and it really scared me. My parents dont know any of this as again I keep to myself. I've shared bits and pieces about my anxiety ,which mom said she gets angry when I dont look around the mall without her close by...it made me feel she doesn't care as much. This makes me a tad more reluctant to try and help her and anyone else understand. I kind of want to fight this as best I can on my own until I am old enough to be on my own and pursue therapy I guess on my own. Unless I can talk to my doctor without having my parents in the room with me(usually 1 or the other is) I won't be brave enough to tell them about it. The only one who knows is my boyfriend, who although wants me to tell him every time upset, I feel as if I am a burden.I dont want to possibly make him depressed or hate me, as I've read that one in a relationship can have affect on the other and any relationship. With that said, is there anything that I can do alone to help reduce my depression and anxiety. Maybe any strategies or techniques has learned that helps when solo and thank you for listening to my story.