Depression and anxiety : Am doing a... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Depression and anxiety

Tamka39 profile image
16 Replies

Am doing a little better now. I couldn’t get off my couch with feeling breathless and few like I was about to pass out dizzy lightheaded feeling off balance feeling numb and disconnected I was struck on my couch for a week and today I was able to go to my bathroom but I panicking bad and I still haven’t left my house and my boyfriend broke up with me because of my depression and anxiety am been praying reading my bible and deep breathing meditation am trying to do what I can to get better am kinda sad because I thought if I stop drinking and started antidepressant I would not be depressed boy was I wrong am 3 weeks sober and I was having bad withdrawals am scared if I don’t get help now is going to be worse like 2 years ago when I was in the bed for 2 months scared to walk move eat drink walking to my kitchen or living room scared to drive walk out my front door and I had stop drinking that time too and I didn’t have nothing for anxiety or depression I was lost am going to see my psychiatrist tomorrow and am praying this medication works this time thank u for sharing your story I appreciate it 🙏🏾🤗❤️🌹🌈💤🌙

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Tamka39 profile image
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16 Replies
Iloveart7 profile image

I'm srr you r going through such a hard time. I hope you get the help you need

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to Iloveart7

Thank you 🙏🏾

Eowyn7 profile image

I'm very sorry you are going through all this. I think you are doing the right things by getting sober, seeking help from the psychiatrist, etc. Keep on reading your bible if that helps you and just focus on yourself for now. Keep it up and I hope you will get some relief soon. Good luck tomorrow!

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to Eowyn7

Thank you I appreciate it 🤗❤️

Hephzibah2014 profile image

Hi Tamka39! I'm very sorry for your break up! Sounds like you could use some time to heal yourself and take care of yourself. For me some of my loneliest times have been the hardest times, but sweetest times with the Lord-the times Ive gotten closest to Him. Congratulations on 3wks sober!!! I actually started drinking when I was married to my ex husband who was going to Bible college. He didn't believe drinking was wrong and we would occasionally have a drink together. When we divorced it became more frequent and a way to help me relax, deal with the anxiety and uncomfortable social situations. At some point I realized I was making a lot of bad decisions based on how I was feeling. I found a counselor at a church near where I lived and I gave my life-and the anxiety to the Lord. Of course it didn't go away right away-it was and has been a process. Part of that process led me through Houston traffic (something this shy small town girl swore I'd never do!) and to the biggest mega church in the US-I guess I needed a mega change. Matthew 18:20 says For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. I went to the prayer partners every service and even sent in emails! I wouldn't be where I am without them! James 5:16 says Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. I grew up in church, but I learned for the first time in my life the power of prayer. I also had to renew my mind with the word of God. Sometimes just like we need doctors and medications for things like diabetes or a broken bone, we need doctors and medications for the broken places in our brains. I'm glad you are going to see a psychiatrist! Meanwhile, if you'd like to talk to a christian counselor heres a number for a free consultation that I've used myself (855-382-5433). They can help you find a christian counselor in your area if you'd like. Also, have you heard of Celebrate Recovery? Its a support group for people in recovery from anything from substance abuse to anger, anxiety whatever. There may be one at a church near you. I'll be praying for your healing <3 Peace <3

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to Hephzibah2014

Awwwww thank you I appreciate it I been praying all day and night trying to get a connection with God waiting on healing and a miracle I even had healing prayers playing in my head phones I been self medicating since my teen years the only time I remember stopping was when I became pregnant with my boys alcohol is the only thing that numb me from my problems and pain of my past and my anxiety and depression any and everything I want through I will pick up a bottle of alcohol and try to drink away my problems and I had a abusive relationship and things just worser and worser felt like I was being attached from every angle of my life I never thought about hurting myself until this year I just felt like nothing is ever going to get better like am going to be like this forever and It hurts when u think about leaving your kids behind because u feel things will never get better for u am going to keep fighting until I can’t fight no more I just pray when I get myself out of this this time that I never have to go back through it again because I will be healed thanks again

Hephzibah2014 profile image
Hephzibah2014 in reply to Tamka39

Tamka39, I believe in miracles and healing, but sometimes the miracle isn't instant. Sometimes the miracle is in the process (kind of like the butterfly would never learn to fly and would die without the struggle that it takes to come out of the cocoon) and that process to healing can be very painful, especially when you have to start dealing with the thoughts and feelings that start coming in like a flood that were always drowned out before with the alcohol. A counselor can be a great help and support when dealing with those feelings and just learning how to deal with life again. I like what Joel Osteen says, "we have to do what we can in the natural and trust God with the supernatural". That means we have to reach out for the help that God sends our way. Sometimes that's a support group like AAA or Celebrate Recovery. For my cousin that meant a 2 year rehab program. God created us for community and gave us all gifts to build up and encourage each other and be accountable to each other so we don't slip back into old habits. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) You don't have to go through this alone! You will not be in the same place next year! You are going from glory to glory-from strength to strength! Your best days are still in front of you! Don't give up! It sounds like your miracle has already started! Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ!

Alcoholics Anonymous:


Celebrate Recovery:

Lighthouse Network:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (also includes suicide prevention information):

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to Hephzibah2014

You’re so right about anything you just said. I have a psychiatrist and waiting for a intake appointment for a therapist and have a Mental heath Case Management worker I pray read my bible do meditation deep breathing I reach out to many apps for help and talk to people about my problems I have self medicate for years so my brain still needs a lot of healing from all the abuse I have cause on my body for years so probably I will need AA everybody kept telling me I need AA but I said I didn’t because I don’t drink no more so I thought it was a waste of time but now I see is not I need all the support I can get I really hate to be label as an alcoholic because once u say that people are quick to pass judgment on u am going to keep my faith and believe God going to make a way for me am going to do everything I can to fight to get better I need to get off this couch and be able to walk out my front door take my son to school and be able to cook and clean I want my life back am tired of being struck in the house I have agoraphobia and I panic in open spaces and when I stop drinking I started taking my Prozac the same time and I had terrible side effects and had to stop taking them than everything went downhill from there and my mom is doing everything for me right now and am disappointed because I suppose to be helping her and I know she tired I can tell she’s tired and she will be leaving to go home soon and she stay a hour away and praying things improve soon for me

Hephzibah2014 profile image

I had bad side effects to Prozac as well. Its hard to find the right meds. Diet, exercise, and counseling for me have been very important. Meds can help, but we still have to do the work. The only thing I don't agree with AA is that you have to declare that you're an alcoholic. I believe its better to say what the Lord says about you-You are a child of the most High God. I have the mind of Christ. That doesn't mean to ignore the things we struggle with, but it doesn't define who I am. My past doesn't define where I'm going. Its still a great program that can help you deal with the things that lead to the alcoholism and support you. Its amazing how freeing it is to be around people who have the same struggles and know you aren't alone. Have you ever heard of Patsy Clairmont? Heres her story about her struggle with agoraphobia . Heres one of my favorite songs . And this one too ;-) I played them almost constantly while the Lord was working on me. When you start taking steps towards your healing, He will send an army of angels to help you. He won't let you fall. He loves you. He's proud of you. He will take you one step at a time. Isaiah41:13 For I hold you by your right hand--I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, 'Don't be afraid. I am here to help you.

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to Hephzibah2014

Awwww thank you u for everything I really appreciate it. I really want to get close to God I want to feel a connection with him I want to do whatever to be the best person I can my kids really need me to be healed they need me to be there for them I have notice a lot of stuff, I wasn’t doing when I was drinking I stop doing my responsibilities because the only thing I cared about was drinking everything else in my life came last now am really to be happy and do everything I let alcohol take away from me am really to stand tall and be strong 💪🏽 is going to take some time because am still struggling with anxiety and depression and PTSD and alcohol just because am sober don’t mean am not struggling is going to take sometime for my brain to heal just like my body have to heal I have been damaging my body for a long time and am willing to try medication again am afraid but am going to put it in God hands because I know he knows what’s best for me and I don’t want to continue to worry my family can u please keep me in your prayers thank you

Hephzibah2014 profile image

Lord, I thank you that because of Your Son, Jesus we can come boldly to Your throne. I thank You for Your love that never fails and your mercies that are new every morning for Tamka39. I thank You that Your thoughts are not our thoughts and that You have great plans for her future. You see her heart and You see her hurts. What the thief tried to steal, kill and destroy You are breathing Your life into. You are the healer and restorer and nothing is too hard for You. Thank you that You never leave her and I ask You to make your love and your presence more and more real to her. Bring the right people, programs, doctors at the right time to stand a long side her. I thank You that You can do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think. In Jesus name, Amen <3

BlueAurora profile image
BlueAurora in reply to Hephzibah2014

This helped me. Thank you

Hephzibah2014 profile image
Hephzibah2014 in reply to BlueAurora


Hephzibah2014 profile image

Just wanted to share a bit more of my story if you don't mind. When I started going to Lakewood in Houston John Gray was preaching one night and He said "you haven't stepped into crazy until you stepped into the will of God". I may have taken that a bit too far, but I decided to leave the unhealthy relationship I was in and go to a shelter near Houston. Joel Osteen always says if you give us a year of your life you will never be the same. I guess I was determined to put in my year. I was 2000 miles away from my family and I didn't tell anyone where I was cause my mom would've freaked out. Praise God he doesn't expect us to go to a shelter to change our lives, but I'm a little thick headed and always need a visual and to learn my lessons the hard way. Anyways, I was there for a few months and three of the things the Lord really spoke to me about was humility, gratitude and praise. My brother had gotten me a cd way back in 1999-the wow gospel cd. I dug it out and started listening to it again. There was a song on there by Fred Hammond called "its in your praise" that came on while I was at a stop light and all of a sudden some of the things I had been learning at Lakewood started to click. One night before a Wednesday night service I decided to buy the 2014 wow gospel cd and thats when I heard Tasha Cobbs for the first time sing break every chain. That very night John Gray spoke on breaking chains and announced that Tasha would be there the next week! It was one of those God things. One more thing the Lord spoke to me about was emptying myself so that He could fill me/my life with Himself. Its funny how comfortable we get with our junk-internally and externally. He wants to give us soooo much more if we will just let go. Anyways. I'll be praying for you <3

Tamka39 profile image
Tamka39 in reply to Hephzibah2014

Thank you for sharing

Hephzibah2014 profile image

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