Hi I am new here, I have been suffering from extreme anxiety, fear and depression. School and going out of my house is so scary that I just want to stay in my house and sleep. I feel so distraught.
Anxiety fear and depression - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety fear and depression

Hi there, I just want you to know you're not alone. I too have anxiety and depression and I can understand that fears can be paralyzing. I don't know if this will help but try to find the root of your fears. Why are you so scared about going to school? Is it that you are afraid of the people, the crowd, that people are judging you, etc? If you can find the root of your fears and learn to understand why you are feeling anxious it could help you lower your anxiety response. Also find what triggers your anxiety and depression. Now don't avoid the triggers necessarily but learn to change your reaction to them. I used to get anxiety attacks if I had to do an interview or a class presentation or even when I had to talk to a teacher or an authority figure. I found this rooted in a fear I had of my mother and people judging me. But when I understood the root of my fear I could slow my thinking and change my reaction to it. And while going to an interview is still a little nerve racking, I can do it without having an anxiety attack. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, I think that looking at the roots to your anxiety could help you overcome your fears. You're not alone, and I hope I helped.
Yes, understanding the root of a fear to help slow thinking and change one's reaction to that fear, good idea, so helpful, thank you.
there were times I have felt that way too. What I have found useful is sticking to a plan. Saying you will go to school and then come back at a certain time and then maybe go to a coffee shop at a certain time. It is hard to do. But even sometimes just being around other people can be helpful
That is such a good idea - sticking to a plan, even if it is something as simple as going by yourself to a coffee shop, it's structure.