Posts - Andover Fibromyalgia & ME Community Group | HealthUnlocked

Andover Fibromyalgia & ME Community Group

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Article: Drugs or non-drug alternatives: how should we treat chronic primary pain in the UK?

Hi Members, Here's an excerpt with a quote from Des Quinn, Chair of Fibromyalgi...
Admin_AFMCG profile image

Long Covid & ME - Action for ME & Forward ME write to your MP

Excerpt from Action for ME's Newsletter 'At the start of September, Forward ME p...

Fibromyalgia: Recognition as Disability Parliamentary Debate

Hello All! Due to the hard work of a group of people living with Fibromyalgia ...
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Figuring out my food intolerance

i'm a severe fibromyalgia sufferer and have recently had a bad bout of what i th...
MigraineGirl profile image

Do you think we should be strong all the time?

Hi Everyone! Recently I've heard a lot on the news about how Cancer patients ar...

Do people with Chronic Invisible Illnesses regularly experience Ableism?

Hi Everyone! :) What do you think? Any personal experiences of it? Ableism is ...
Admin_AFMCG profile image

Holding Back the Years - features Dr Rangan Chatterjee and a lady with Fibromyalgia

Holding Back the Years - features Dr Rangan Chatterjee the same Dr as 'Dr in the...

Organ Donation - Opt in or Opt out?

Hi Everyone! :) I wondered everyone's opinion on this debate today Do you think...

PACE Trial to be discussed in Parliament Tomorrow

Hi Everyone! :) The controversial PACE Trial debate will be broadcast live via ...

ME Association Petition: NICE guidelines need to change!

Hi fellow members "The ME Association has today launched a national petition tha...

ME Post: Carers of children with ME 'accused of fabrication' via BBC News

Action for ME presents it's findings from a recent survey. An investigation of t...

Millions Missing Campaign for ME

Please support this Thunderclap for the #millionsmissing campaign ... https://ww...

AFMCG would like to recruit volunteers !

Hello fellow members If you live in & around Andover or within a 20 mile radius ...

UK Fibromyalgia list of UK Support Groups

Here's is a really good link and fantastic resource to find about local support ...

What are your thoughts on this article 'I'm a DR with Fibromyalgia! Here's what I wish people understood about it'

Hi Everyone Please see link;
Admin_AFMCG profile image

Change the World Health Organisation classification of Fibromyalgia to Neurological

As the founder of Andover Fibromyalgia & ME/SEID Community Group - We've made ...
Admin_AFMCG profile image


In the last few years i have started to sweat a lot while just doing the meaning...
kimble profile image

Wristbands Available to buy!

Hello Members ! These awesome wristbands are available with all proceeds going ...
Admin_AFMCG profile image

New symptoms

Hi all, sorry to be graphic, but my stomach seems to be a collection of many thi...
Tea1234 profile image

The answer to your health issues?

Has anyone read about Charlotte Gerson or her father Dr Max Gerson. A lot of th...

Hi there, I would like to know if it's possible for fma to adversely affect the thyroid and throw up false results to a standard test?

I read this on line but my doctor, who freely admits she knows nothing about fma...

Does anyone have ear problems.

I have been having problems with hearing in right ear, and have a lump which has...
cowsrock profile image

Swollen right neck gland plus psin in ear, eye, jaw and teeth.

Hi Has anyone had this, I have had a very swollen neck on right side which is p...
cowsrock profile image

Are you planning on having a Flu jab this year?

This is the advice on Action for ME website "The best way for people at risk fr...
Mdaisy profile image

Hi there I am a new member. I have the double whamy me n fibro. My question is about gabapentin. Has anyone else had experience of that drug

kve been on it for one year now. Im interested in other peoples experience of me...
hamilton2 profile image

i have 15 medical conditions me fibro rumat diabeties restless syndrome deppression curved spine reflux ibs asthma bladder could i have ms

bladder fowlers symptoms
merlin1967 profile image

Talkhealth Online Clinic CFS / Fibromyalgia / M.E 14th-20th August 2013

From 14 - 20 August 2013 NHS Choices and talkhealth will team up with ME Associa...
Mdaisy profile image

Does anyone have any experience of Chronic pain clinic at Salisbury District?

tjed profile image

Do you have Fibromyalgia or ME? Need to talk?

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