Polls - Andover Fibromyalgia & ME Community Group | HealthUnlocked
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Which of the following do you feel personally helps you to live with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and/or ME?
Regarding your diet, which of the following do you avoid hoping to reduce the severity of your symptoms?
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In your opinion, what were the main factors that hindered your diagnosis of Fibromyalgia & ME which made it a lengthy process?
Vitamin deficiency seems to be common in both Fibromyalgia & ME, so have you been found to be deficient in any of the following?
Did you have Epstein Barr Virus (ie Glandular Fever) or an immunisation that you feel may be a cause of your diagnosis?
Have you ever experienced any stigma surrounding Fibromyalgia and/or ME by a Health Professional?
Do you know whether you were ever tested for Lymes disease before a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and/or ME?
What are your experiences of Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) ? Did it help your condition, after your pain was controlled & symptoms reduced?
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