Hello All!
Due to the hard work of a group of people living with Fibromyalgia (Twitter @FibroPetition and Facebook of the same name), MP Toby Perkins secured this debate in Parliamentary.
It discusses how the condition needs better understanding, education for Healthcare Professionals, PIP/ESA adjustments for fluctuating conditions, employer support/reasonable adjustments, be under the Equality Act 2010, funding for research and all aspects of recognition of Fibromyalgia here in the UK.
Well done to all those involved - it is great to see some progress being made in more awareness of this condition and the rights that people living with Fibro should have as well as support they should receive.
For updates please see their social media pages @FibroPetition
Please Note: This post is unlocked to enable as many people in the Fibromyalgia community can access the video of the debate