As the founder of Andover Fibromyalgia & ME/SEID Community Group -
We've made a petition but will you sign it?
If you are one of the 2.7+ million people in the UK living with Fibromyalgia or one of their family members I am sure you will, as I am sure you feel it is about time we call for the World Health Organisation to change the classification of Fibromyalgia from Musculoskeletal to Neurological.
In our opinion this may be a big piece of the jigsaw, not only to reduce the stigma we experience, get the correct treatment we deserve but also for wider understanding about the fluctuating symptoms we experience daily. As part of the Fibromyalgia community of people living with this condition, we personally think it's about time we call upon the WHO for change #WHOCall4Change
Fibromyalgia has been reported for a long time to be a Neurological illness in fact as it has synonymous symptoms as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis who already have a Neurological World Health Classification of Neurological it's not at all surprising to us!
There are various research articles reporting Fibromyalgia to be a CNS disorder therefore Neurological and discussing Central Sensitization which is widely known to involve changes in the central nervous system (CNS) and in particular the brain and the spinal cord.
Here's a few quotes from some of the collective peer reviewed studies;
"Research suggests that fibromyalgia is a central, widespread pain syndrome supported by a generalized disturbance in central nervous system pain processing. Over the past decades, multiple lines of research have identified the locus for many functional, chronic pain disorders to the central nervous system, and the brain.
fcMRI and 1H-MRS analyses have identified significant alterations in brain function and neurotransmitter concentration in the FM brain. While these analysis approaches are relatively new and still evolving, future studies with greater power will better link these brain changes with clinically relevant outcome metrics. Such research will lead to an improved understanding of how brain changes reflect and even maintain persistent"
What has functional connectivity and chemical neuroimaging in fibromyalgia taught us about the mechanisms and management of `centralized' pain? (2014) Vitaly Napadow and Richard E Harris
Arthritis Research & Therapy
"Fibromyalgia is characterised by abnormalities that appear to be related to hippocampal dysfunction, including hyperactivity of both corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons and the sympathetic nervous system, impaired declarative memory, and enhanced NMDA receptor-mediated nociception."
Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Central Role for the Hippocampus—A Theoretical Construct (2004) Patrick B. Wood
If you believe like us that it is about time we call for change #WHOCall4Change, then please sign our petition with
We sincerely Thank You for the support
If you want to share please do us examples below
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World Health Organisation: Change the WHO classification of #Fibromyalgia to Neurological #WHOcall4change
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World Health Organisation: Change the WHO classification of Fibromyalgia to Neurological.
#Fibromyalgia has been reported for a long time to be a Neurological illness in fact as it has synonymous symptoms as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis who already have a Neurological World Health Classification of Neurological it's not at all surprising to us!
There are various research articles reporting #Fibromyalgia to be a CNS disorder therefore Neurological and discussing Central Sensitization which is widely known to involve changes in the central nervous system (CNS) and in particular the brain and the spinal cord.
If you believe like us and the 2.7+ million living with Fibromyalgia in the UK that it is about time we call for change #WHOCall4Chaneg, then please sign our petition with
We sincerely Thank You for the support #WHOcall4change
The first aim is for 100, let's smash that - Thanks for the support Emma
Edited by Admin I have been reliably informed that the World Health Organisation will not accept a petition to change classifications and require research papers will evidence of a Neurological condition submitted through the appropriate channels. Thank You for the support but it seems this petition is futile therefore I will delete it and replies to this post are to be switched off.