Getting sicker and sicker everyday - Women's Health

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Getting sicker and sicker everyday

PeachyBlossom profile image
7 Replies

Thought I’d write a quick update of everything that’s going on with me

I feel so depressed I feel like I’m getting worse every single day. I’ve been going though this for 4 months now

So quick recap of what’s going on: I’ve got inflamed red tonsils with pus on the left side (my GP said they are a little swollen but not rlly bad they mostly look red. She also said they look very sore but I don’t feel any pain at all) I’ve also got swelling on both sides of my neck and at the front directly in the middle leading in a straight line from under my jaw to the bottom of my neck. There feels like a big hard ball lump under my jaw in the middle (it feels quite big like maybe golf ball sized) and those are all my main symptoms but I’ve had a few on and off symptoms along the way like: fatigue, muscle pain and weekness, joint pain and weekness, a rash that look like little red acne looking bumps that don’t rlly pop but they itch and they appear on my thighs, chest and arms (mostly upper arms but appear on the bottoms of my arms too occasionally), thin hair that’s falling out more frequently, faster heartbeat and high heart rate (that could be just from anxiety idk but it’s gotten worse recently), inside of cheeks are swollen inside my mouth, tightness on outside of face over cheeks, I haven’t quite got a fever but my GP said that it’s almost a fever and my cheeks look quite red and feel warm, my eyes hurt each time I cry (like they literally sting it’s so painful sometimes I feel like I need to cry and let out my emotions cause of my depression and anxiety but I feel like I can’t cry anymore bc of the pain), swelling behind knees, blocked ears.

And symptoms that have just started today: my tongue feels like it’s touching the uvula (little dangly thing at the back of throat) and my tongue has little red dots on them now. Also my tongue is looking kinda discoloured like idk it’s got a weird coating on top of it now.

I’ve already been on 3 courses of antibiotics. I just finished my third course about 2 and a half weeks ago the antibiotics work about halfway through the packet and my symptoms feel a lot better for a few weeks after i finish the dosage but then it slowly starts to come back again. I’ve only started feeling worse again in the last 2 days. Like it’s so strange last week I was starting to feel ok and I could do things like leave the house but now I’m getting the symptoms again and I feel so weak.

These are all the tests I’ve had done: I’ve already had a blood test which checked my blood cell counts and iron levels and stuff. And my red blood cells are fine but my white cells are slightly high which means I have an infection in my body and I was also told that I’m slightly anaemic.

Then I had a swab of the throat done to check for strep bacteria and a breath test to check for helicobacter bacteria in the gut. Both came back negative.

Had another blood test which checked basically everything like: cells, hormones, thyroid, kidneys, blood sugar levels and a few other things. The results were explained to me over the phone but I didn’t understand that much. so a friend who’s good with medical stuff narrowed it down for me so here’s a quick version of it: red blood cells fine, white are slightly high I think my friend said 0.4 above 11, MCHC is low which means I’m anaemic, CRP is quite highly which could mean I have an inflammation, fasting glucose is fine, thyroid is fine, GGT is slightly raised, testosterone levels were high (GP reckons it’s because I just went off the pill I got checked for pcos and I don’t have it), Epstein barr virus tests were negative, prolactin within normal range, I’m insulin resistant.

Ok so that’s all of those results it’s a lot I know

I’ve been checked for wisdom teeth I don’t have any coming in yet and my teeth looked fine

I had a ultrasound done of my thyroid and ovaries (they did ovaries bc my testosterone was high so they thought I had pcos) and my thyroid is normal size and my ovaries were fine too.

And my most recent test was a CT scan done of the head and neck. My lymph nodes are fine (which was very surprising to me I thought that’s what was causing the swelling) and my salivary glands were fine with no blockages or stones or anything.

I also went to a ENT (she’s the one who referred me for the CT scan) and she said she suggests just getting my tonsils removed. Which I’m not exactly sure about since we don’t know for sure if it’s tonsillitis since I have no strep bacteria in my mouth.

I’m going to get another blood test tomorrow to check my cell count again since I’ve stopped the antibiotics. But I already know that it’s going to say that I still have the infection in my system since I can feel it coming back the last 2 days. If it is still there I’m going back to the ent to get my sinuses checked (idk if they checked it on the CT scan or not since they didn’t mention anything about the sinuses and if it’s not that then I’m going to ask them if it could be a mild allergy since I’ve noticed it gets worse after I have dairy. But after I suggest those to my GP idk what else to test for since I’ve run out of ideas on what it could be. I’ll probably just have to get my tonsils out in that case and it could all be for nothing if it doesn’t improve it.

Idk what to do anymore I feel like this has ruined my life and it’s made me so depressed I’m only 17 and all this has made me feel so unhealthy and because I haven’t been moving around much cause I’m sick I’ve put on so much weight especially in the stomach area and that’s made my depression even worse. I wanted to go back to school next year but I’m worried I won’t be able to if I’m still like this.

I’m so scared I’m worried because it’s been in my body for 4 months that it’s just going to get worse and worse and slowly start to destroy my body.

Has anyone been through anything with similar symptoms and share your experience it might help me get peace of mind.

Thanks if you read it all and I appreciate your replies!

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PeachyBlossom profile image
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7 Replies
Keep-The-Faith profile image

What do your parents say? Maybe go to a functional medicine doctor, naturopath or similar? Get your urine checked for the heck of it, alot can be detected in urine. Have they looked in your ears? Did they do a covid test? No infected teeth, maybe get xrays of your teeth? Being anemic can make you feel pretty darn bad, are you taking iron pills? I would look online & print out all your results & go through each one with a fine toothed comb! Did they check your saturation & everything to do with iron, if not ask for that. I don't like it when they say " you're a little bit _____" everyone is different & it can bother you alot.

I sympathize with you cuz I've been really sick for a long time & got sepsis.

Hope you find answers 🙏

PeachyBlossom profile image

Hi everyone I just got my results for my blood test. My GP said that my White blood cell count and CRP has gone done which means the infection is starting to leave my body which is good. But if that’s the case then idk I still feel so sick and weak. I mentioned allergies to her and she doesn’t think that’s the cause but she said there’s not harm going on antihistamines for a few weeks to see if it helps. She said that over the next 2-3 weeks the infection should start to leave my body even more so she said in about 3 weeks to come back and get another blood test to check my white blood cell count to see if it’s gone done further. I didn’t think I should mention a fungal infection cause I was worried if I mentioned too many things at once she’d say Im a hypochondriac or something. Anyways if it was fungal/ yeast infection I don’t think the antibiotics would’ve helped to reduce it. I might go in and ask if I can get my vitamin levels checked before I get my next blood test done and I’ll probably still order a thyroid test online just to make sure those things are ok. If anyone has any other things to suggest that I should get tested for feel free to lmk. Thanks for all your comments it’s made me feel less alone while I go through this.

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to PeachyBlossom

Have your b12 tested if not already, some of the symptoms you mention could be this.

sbadd profile image

Also just looked at your thyroid results they need to test T4 and T3 not just tsh, ask for full thyroid panel including testing for antibodies, thyroid symptoms and low b12 are very similar, it may not be this but no harm in testing, you have alot of symptoms consistent with these conditions

PeachyBlossom profile image
PeachyBlossom in reply to sbadd

Definitely going to go for those tests within the next few weeks. I’ll probably be able to get my GP to test for b12 but T3 and T4 are apparently hard to get tested for so I’ll have to order a private test online for that one. :)

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to PeachyBlossom

When you get the b12 test ask for total and active b12, im in australia and my doct tests whatever i ask for which is good, if you get thyroid done and results get a copy and post them on thyroid uk site on here, make sure you get antibodies aswell, my daughter was low on b12 at just 13, so it can happen to younger people 2, hope you get some answers.

sbadd profile image

Oh just to mention if you do have thyroid test again make sure you fast and have test straight up in morning

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