Hi all, I’m new to this so bare with me...And it’s a long winded and very personal post, so beware!
I’ve been taking cerelle the progestogen only pill for about 3/4 years now, symptom free. The pill completely stops my periods and all has been fine up until the last 3/4 months.
I’ve been having a dull ache in my pelvis/top of the vagina and bleeding, more so after intercourse but not always. The blood seems to be brown in colour suggesting it’s old blood, and can be light enough to just be present in usual discharge, but sometimes heavy enough that I need to wear a proper period pad. There is no pattern to when I bleed etc, it’s just out of the blue and is happening from anywhere between 2-5 days and as often as once every week and a half.
I’ve been to my GP and nothing has come back on any bacterial/STI tests, I’ve done 2 pregnancy tests which are negative, and I’ve had an examination. The only thing my GP has said is that I have a deep and tilted cervix.
Could this be a developed side effect or issue with my contraception or is it something else? Has anyone else had anything similar or just any advice? It’s really effected my confidence in my relationship, I have no sexual drive, and I’m constantly anxious about it! Any response is appreciated. Thanks all😊