Perimenopause symptoms at 43 : Hi, I’m new to... - Women's Health

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Perimenopause symptoms at 43

Pink_Moon profile image
29 Replies

Hi, I’m new to this group and I’ve always suffered terribly with my hormones which are now getting so severe I’m at a loss at what to do. It causes problems within my marriage, I snap at my children (who are amazing) which then fills me with guilt afterwards. I have teenage spotty skin, I don’t want to go out, anxiety at times through the roof, feel paranoid like people are talking about me or don’t like me, which then makes me withdrawn and I don’t want to go out and socialise, I’m suffering with more migraines than ever before, this weekend I’ve started getting flushed cheeks. GPs don’t want to help or listen just want to give me antidepressants . I don’t want to be on antidepressants as this is just masking the problem I know it’s all hormonal. I’ve had blood tests to check my hormones but the GP said all were fine I asked for the results which they gave me but I don’t understand them and don’t know what your FSH level is supposed to be if your peri menopausal. Can you be given HRT if your still having monthly periods but there irregular?

Thank you for reading this long post x

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Pink_Moon profile image
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29 Replies
Sky-dancer profile image

I was in my 30s when symptoms started and like you, my doctor wanted to put me on antidepressants but I refused. Ended up going to see someone in hospital and he did an internal ultrascan which showed that I was thinning inside.. a blood test showed my hormone levels were, as he put it, through the floor.. he suggested HRT as my skin had gone leathery, eyebrows and hair thinning and sweating profusely

Two years later and my GP still refused HRT so I went to another one who put me straight on patches. It has changed my life. I have to say though, my periods had stopped completely.

I hope you get some help, it's difficult when you're younger, they seem to think it starts bang in at 51 but not so.

Also, have you had a thyroid function test and had vit D levels checked?

Good luck with everything..

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to Sky-dancer

Thank you for replying, the last blood test that I had before Christmas tested everything so my thyroid and Vit D was checked but I might ask them to just do it again or ask to be referred. I’m losing so much hair, my periods haven’t stopped but are irregular and erratic.

Sky-dancer profile image
Sky-dancer in reply to Pink_Moon

To be honest, it's how I was when I started the menopause..

Yes, if you're not happy, ask to be referred, it will put your mind at ease once you know what is going on.

sbadd profile image

I think im going through this , im 44 but for last year have felt terrible with increase in heart rate, sweating, headaches, fatigue and muscle twitching, have had nearly every test under the sun plus the female hormone ones that say im not in perimenopause, i have just had a 41 day cycle which has never happened to me ever, always been regular, so im going back to be retested , how have your cycles been, because ive noticed in last few years mine only last 2 days and i get very little symptoms of ovulation or even discharge, i believe my ovaries are slowing but keep getting told im too young, very frustrating as ive heard the hormone tests are not always accurate, so what do we do in meantime (suffer) ??

Oh and my mum was on hrt by 45 but they seem to dismiss this.

Sky-dancer profile image
Sky-dancer in reply to sbadd

I finally got told after seeing a consultant who did an internal scan.. is it worth you asking to see someone else?

Seriously, my bloods were normal at the surgery yet levels almost non existent at the hospital..

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to Sky-dancer

Hi. I’m going to try again but feel like the doctors just aren’t bothered when they’re saying blood tests are showing my hormone levels are fine!

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Sky-dancer

I had one of these last year after bleeding 2 weeks after a period thats only happened the once, it showed a dominant follicle at the time but this being 7 months ago, i will get the hormones done again i think.

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to sbadd

Good luck, let me know how you get on x

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to Sky-dancer

I think I will go back to to the doctors and try again. Thank you

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to sbadd

Hi Thank you for replying. My periods were always very 28 days for the last year I’ve been tracking them and the longest I’m not going is 37 days and the shortest is 19 days. I’m the same as you with increased heart rate, feet so hot on a night time I can’t bare them under the covers, I’m loosing so much hair at this rate I will be bald by the time I’m 44 in the summer!! My mam has a hysterectomy at 38 and was put on HRT so don’t know when her natural menopause would of started. But this seriously affecting my life especially my mood swings I was always so happy and carefree now I can get angry at the slightest thing, my hormones are all over!

lemonbalm profile image

I was 43 when I noticed the chane in moods, I wanted to go the natural rote with herbs. A vogal have menopause support. It really calmed me down and you can get a free sample on the website. You can ask questions about the menopause, and I found so many people just like me asking for advice, I dont fell so isolated now.

Deniseelk profile image

Have a look at menopause_doctor on Instagram! She has written a book too that is meant to be very helpful, accurate and up to date. I would get your research done and re-book ( maybe find a GP at your surgery that is more knowledge about the Menopause?) and get the support you need. Best of luck!

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to Deniseelk

Thank you, I will look that up x

sbadd profile image

Might be worth also having your thyroid and b12 checked aswell if you havent already done so to rule these out, i too have been snappy and teary, my teenage girls telling me to chill

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to sbadd

It’s awful been so snappy especially when you can’t help it x

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Pink_Moon


sbadd profile image

So update had female hormones run again, still coming up as normal??

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to sbadd

Really!! I’m so sorry as I know how that must feel. You just want it to show something to prove what we are going through. What will you do next? I haven’t had chance to go yet but I will be soon!

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Pink_Moon

Not sure atm but my thyroid needs improvement but in saying so was having the same symptoms when thyroid was good, but i did show a higher than normal blood sugar test the other day so have just done the fasting one and awaiting results? If this is fine idk where to go from there ???

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to sbadd

A lady on here recommended the menopause doctor on Instagram I found her and then went on her website. It was really informative and lots of our symptoms that show we are perimenopausal and that going on HRT at our age is recommended. Have a look and see what you think! I’m going to go armed with this knowledge to my GP appointment! Let me know how you get on wirh you other tests! Good luck x

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Pink_Moon

Thanks i will check it out

Afrohair profile image

Are you on any birth control?

sbadd profile image

Update blood sugar fine but have spoken to a doctor at menopause association here in australia , he believes i have all symptoms of peri and that i may be eostrogen dominant atm has prescribed progesterone capsules, im going to give it a go just waiting for script to arrive, had another period which was only 23 day

cycle this time compared to last which was 41, im over it feel like crap daily.

Pink_Moon profile image
Pink_Moon in reply to sbadd

Thank you for keeping me updated, I’m so glad that your doctor believes you and has given you something to help. So sorry your still struggling too. I’m still in the same situation, night sweats are getting worse, and so are my flushes. I’m unable to go any further with mine as my doctors surgery is closed telephone appointments only due to covid -19 and going to the chemist is pretty scary at the moment here in England. Fingers crossed for you that you start to get some relief soon xx

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Pink_Moon

Yes we have a menopause association here that i contacted and the doctor does over the phone consultation, i have to pay for 8 week program, they are sending me the scripts and paperwork for testing hormones throughout cycle once i start the capsules, im a little scared too but im out of options with normal docts, it should arrive within a week, im going to give it a go, if i feel worse ill just stop it, we too are not able to visit surgery atm either, pretty scary times but im blessed i live here, im in western Australia which compared to our east have had fewer cases on corona and our local minister has now shut our borders for WA, i feel for you guys , Italy and america atm as you have had alot of deaths related to corona, i just hope we can all contain it.

Pink_Moon profile image

That’s great, wish we had something similar here in England as I would pay for the same treatment. So glad that the virus hasn’t effected your country as much as it has ours. It’s a pretty horrible and scary time at the moment! Never seen anything like it, and hope we never see anything like this again xx

sbadd profile image
sbadd in reply to Pink_Moon

For sure im isolating at home with 3 kids and only going out for essentials, my kids dad is working 16 hours away atm and not sure if he can come home with restrictions in place, but theres alot that cant get home, and the one place you would wanna be right now is home, take care i will keep you updated once i start my program.

This sounds like me! Almost identical symptoms...also strange light bleeds a few days before my period is due and also severe mood swings. Trying to convince my doctor to take any action has been a real uphill struggle. Tried to give me antidepressants too...I also rejected this as I KNOW its 100% mood swings are as bad as my teenage ones!

Perimeno_Change profile image

Hi there, I have just posted a new post looking for support and advice, I am 44 and have the same symptoms as you. I hope your progesterone plan works for you. I am also considering the mini pill (progesterone) and have a gynae apt once restrictions have lifted. Wishing you some comfort and I am so glad there is a supportive group here for this!

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