Hi Everyone
I’ll jump straight in..
I have not had a period for what would of been 2 yrs in June this year. Blood tests over the last 12 mobile or more have diagnosed menopause.
In April I started having really painful breasts started in one then both. It felt like my old pms that I’d get the week before i was due then go off.
May bank holiday weekend, the first one, I noticed pinkish blood stain on my pad (menopausal remember so bladder leakage is always an issue with me!). Being dry I down there I assumed it was due to that as there wasn’t a lot. As the day went on more, then it continued to the next day, so I saw my gp. She said the cervix looked a bit inflamed and sent for an appointment to see a gyny doc.
Two weeks later I had a vaginal ultrasound - not pleasant but bearable, that showed I had a small cyst on an ovary a small fibroid and slightly thick womb lining (?!)
Then on to the hysteroscopy- awful experience, I really wasn’t expecting it to feel like labour pains! The consultant said that it all looked ok, whatever that means, but they took a biopsy to be tested.
A week later and a month on from the last bleed I have started bleeding again. This time it seems more like a period, darker blood and the need to change the pads and I actually had to buy some.
I am trying not to worry but don’t know what to think. It really seems like my hormones have cranked up again out of the blue and by aching boobs are driving me mad! I can’t turn over at night without it hurting me!
Any ideas, or insights would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance 🙂