Vaginal irritation that isn't Thrush - Women's Health

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Vaginal irritation that isn't Thrush

15 Replies

Can anyone help?

I started with itchy symptoms 2 months ago and I thought it was Thrush. I took the oral tablet which usually works straight away, but 1 week later I was still itchy. I took another oral capsule but got the Cannesten one this time. One week later, still no improvement. I took the advice of a pharmacist who said I should try the pessary as well as the oral tablet. I took both and saw relief for a couple of days but then the symptoms came back. I booked a doctors appointment but it took so long to be seen that I tried the oral tablet and the pessary again while I was waiting.

The doctor was stumped but sent me for swabs. The nurse agreed I looked sore and said there was a really small amount of discharge that she thought was probably thrush. The results came back clear. I went back to the doctor who was not very understanding and just sent me for a blood test instead. They came back clear.

I'm really uncomfortable and I feel like I've tried everything - probiotic drinks, washing with just water, wearing no underwear to bed..

I have no discharge or smelly odour. Has anyone got any ideas? I should note that the itch started externally but then began to feel internal for a while and now it's gone back to external and getting worse.

Please, please, can anyone help?!

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15 Replies


I had something similar a few years back. I went for tests, etc. nothing. Then I stopped using dryer sheets and the irritation stopped. You might also be sensitive to your laundry detergent. Do you have scent sensitivities?

in reply to

I don't use dryer sheets and I use Fairy non bio liquitabs in my wash without softenener, just in case. I don't think I've ever suffered with scent sensitivites but I switched to organic cotton tampons this month just in case!

in reply to

Im experiencing this as well. I am not sure if its my detergent. I also have an odour smell but I have never had vaginal sex or anal.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to

I've replied to the OP, but this might apply to you too:

If you were visibly red and sore, I think you should be thinking Eczema. It's common down there.

You can buy something called emulsifying ointment from the pharmacy. You can use this as a safe vaginal moisturiser. I have also used coconut oil, and it works alright, but does have a slight odour.

I would suggest you take a break from shower gels, and try to wash your hair so that the shampoo doesn't run down your body, as it does get into the vagina that way. Washing with just water works! I did it for a couple of years, and you feel a bit self conscious at first, but you don't smell. I tended to use some Dove soap to shave my legs/underarms.

Don't use vaginal washes or apply soap directly to this area - it does more harm than good.

Hope you get some relief soon!

Excuse my spelling I never get this right but I have something called lichin Sclerosis. .It causes quite intense iching. Diagnosed by a biopsy several years ago. Important to get it treated and I used steroid cream to ensure I do not have any flares. Often at local sexual health clinic there is someone who has expertise in vulva health. I will drop in my local one to get mine checked ever so often. I think you need to see another GP maybe a female and ask about this.

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I can only get in with a male GP so I'm going to ask for a referral to see a gynae. Thank you!

rachelleigh73 profile image

Hi - you don't mention your age so my comment may be completely irrelevent. I experienced something similar last year and had several cycles of thrush treatment that didn't help. It wasn't until I was diagnosed as peri-menopausal that I realised the itching and discomfort was caused by vaginal atrophy. It took a while to work but I'm now using a hormone-based pessary called Vagifem which has helped a lot. Good luck in getting this resolved x

in reply to rachelleigh73

Thanks for taking the time to reply! I'm 30. My doctor tested my blood to check my hormone levels and said they were fine :(

Cooper27 profile image

Sorry I missed this before you left the forum! But on the off-chance you come back: If you were visibly red and sore, I think you should be thinking Eczema. It's common down there.

You can buy something called emulsifying ointment from the pharmacy. You can use this as a safe vaginal moisturiser. I have also used coconut oil, and it works alright, but does have a slight odour.

I would suggest you take a break from shower gels, and try to wash your hair so that the shampoo doesn't run down your body, as it does get into the vagina that way. Washing with just water works! I did it for a couple of years, and you feel a bit self conscious at first, but you don't smell. I tended to use some Dove soap to shave my legs/underarms.

Don't use vaginal washes or apply soap directly to this area - it does more harm than good.

Hope you get some relief soon!

vcr88 profile image

I had this at the beginning of the year. Started reading that it may be the oestrogen in the pill I was taking (loestrin 20) as it can thin the skin around that area. After nothing else worked I asked to change the pill. Whilst my GP hadn’t heard this before it’s stopped since.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to vcr88

It's lack of oestrogen that thins the skin and causes ittitation, oestrogen is the treatment for just that problem, so you we're more likely sensitive to a different filler in the pill.

vcr88 profile image
vcr88 in reply to bantam12

Maybe, I’m on a progestogen only pill now and haven’t had the problem. Either way, May be worth reviewing if on a contraceptive

Melanie1uk profile image

Have a look into this, I just found out about this after having all the problems you are having x

Boney12 profile image

Hi ask your doctor about Lichen Sclerosus . I thought I had thrush and tried everything eventually got diagnosed with this and given steroid cream to help.

Hi yes l also have problems in this area related to giving birth that left me with scaring. Problems began three years ago with diagnosis of ET/PV and my current meds. My body is in a constant state of high inflamation and sensative (thinking about changing meds (Hydroxy)in particular at the sight of old injuries and wounds. I finally got the courage to talk to a GP about this face to face and booked in for further investigation next week.

Good luck and look after yourself.


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