A refreshed journey: I am not sure if I... - Weight Loss Support

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A refreshed journey

Draken profile image
Draken2024 June
4 Replies

I am not sure if I should treat these posts like a journal blog where I just write my thoughts and feelings, or like a forum post where I'd get a response to- but I will just write. Be prepared for a lengthy post.

I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer back in 2012. I was just under 150 lbs and looked great and felt great. But the cancer changed all of that.

I had my thyroid removed in december of 2012, and Radiation Therapy to kill any remaining thyroid cells. Just give me the thyroid meds, I'd be on my way as I am cured, right?


Over the years my medication and dosages has been changed at least once a year. I've visited 6 different endocrinologists and could not find one that would LISTEN to me and my woes- my primary doctor was the only one willing to experiment new meds with me and she found something that made me feel at least human. My body aches were gone and I felt better. Yay! It worked for 2 years- until my insurance stopped covering it and I couldn't afford $300 a month- I was forced back down to previous meds, back to feeling poorly. I did fight for the meds- I called the manufacturer and the insurance- no dice.

I am constantly living with fatigue and brain fogs, my motivation dropped and I no longer cared to leave the house unless I must. I get confused and forget things, I stutter my words when I am especially tired, I have to read the same lines of a book ten times to understand it. Who can I talk to about this? No one. No one who isn't hypo understands my struggles, feel my pains- they don't understand why "Just diet and exercise" doesn't work for me.

My weight crept up to 215 lbs.

Two years ago I said enough. I had to try harder. I signed up for the gym- and went anywhere from 1x-4x week depending on how I am feeling. I learned that 80% of weight loss is diet- so I had to change that and focus on what I put in my mouth. I intermittent fasted for 6 months (18-20 hrs), I did drop 10 lbs. Just 10 lbs in 6 months. While I am thrilled to lose something, it wasn't working as I hoped. WW- I learned nothing on eating habits and didn't want to count points anymore. I went to a nutritionist- she put me on a plan where I ate 5 smaller meals, 100-300 calories per meal consisting of high protein and low carb. and one decent 500 calorie meal. Guess what- it helped! I lost 15 more lbs in 2 months and I tracked everything and held accountable weekly. I learned what's the right foods to eat, how to pair carbs, fiber and protein together as well as portion control.

But it stopped.

Another 2 months of smaller healthier meals, not a single pound dropped. It's almost as if my body is determined to stay where I am at and refuse to budge any further. I did bump my cardio, walking more, still continued the gym 1-4x a week to try to break the plateu; I needed heavier weapons to get me out of my slump.

Now hovering at 190 lbs with just 25 lbs lost in 2 years, I booked an appt with an RD that specializes in medical weight loss. I have my appointment in 2 weeks. I am apprehensive about these weight loss medications- Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjauro and such; I keep telling myself not to overthink the drugs- I am not even sure if I am going to get approved or if I really want to try it. I need to talk to the doctor first and see what he says and weigh all options.

I really wanted to try to lose it all on my own and get down to my pre-cancer weight of 150 lbs- but I failed and I am tired of struggling and feeling dissappointed when the scale either goes up or no change. I want to blame my hypothyroidism, but I can't put 100% of the blame on my condition either. I also need to work at it and continue to find what works best for me. Maybe this medication will at least help me get to my goals; and while I believe I bettered my lifestyle habits- it will be okay long term to accept this tool as long as I keep up with a healthier lifestyle.

I honestly do not know why I posted this. Support? An ear? Advice? A slap across the face for considering medicine when I just want to lose 40 lbs and not 100? Either way, I feel better getting my struggles out- and if you've read this far- thank you for reading!

Written by
Draken profile image
2024 June
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4 Replies
springersrule profile image

Hi Draken, i read all the way through to the end :-)

Firstly, given the history you give then i think this stand alone post is a great way to introduce yourself, you should get some replies from other members giving their advice or experiences. Your next step is to go to the Weekly Weigh In and post there. Read the post header and reply to the host. You can link this post in your reply so that you don't have to fully repeat all the information.

Secondly, from everything you tried i would say eating more smaller meals a day and low carb seems to have worked best for you so go back to that as a starting point. I have an underactive thyroid and have been following IF and LCHF (low carb, healthy fats) and it has really worked for me. You are correct in that it is what you eat that counts, the exercise tones you up and makes you feel good (or it should lol) Dont forget that as you lose weight the number of calories you need will go down so keep your eye on that as you shrink :-)

Finally, have a look at the Daily Diary and when you're ready join in there too. You will find lots of inspiration on meals there. If you do want to put in some exercise too, even if its just going for a good walk each day then take a look at the Fit is Fun post.

All the posts i've mentioned are listed under Pinned Posts, TheTabbyCat gave you a link to them in her reply to you earlier on.

I struggled to lose weight or keep weight off before i joined in here, but the help and support i've had has been unbelieveable and has really made a difference.

Dip your toes in a bit more and i'm sure you'll soon see the difference :-)

Good luck xx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi Draken,

Your story is very similar to many that are having problems with their thyroid and, honestly, until your thyroid hormones are being optimally replaced, then weight loss is going to be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

My advice would be to post on the Thyroid UK forum healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk (don't worry, there are many members from the US) Include a full history, your most recent blood test results and details of all medications you are taking. I do not believe that Ozempic and similar will be the answer you're looking for.

We are happy to support you on your weight loss journey, but TUK members have the expertise you require for help with your hypothyroidism.

Wishing you all the very best of luck :)

PandQs profile image
PandQsMaintainer3st 7lbs

Hi Draken, I was very successful in losing weight after I switched to trying LCHF, but there was more than one occasion when my weight plateaued and I thought it was no longer working. Once there was no change for more than six weeks. As the eight loss had been quite quick over the other weeks, then I took it to be a good opportunity for my skin to catch up with the change :) Don’t give up, I would stick with what you’re doing a while longer and see if weight loss resumes. Also, join in with the relevant forums for your interests for support and sharing of experience.

Draken profile image
Draken2024 June in reply to PandQs

thank you for sharing your experience! I am trying to be patient and I know plateaus can happen. Just didn't expect for 2 months which was fustrating.

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