I haven't lost as much weight as I would have liked to have lost. Ive lost about 8 lbs in 8 weeks. I was aiming for 2 lbs a week. Even though it has been frustrating it it ok. I know where I am going wrong and I know what I need to do. But even though I haven't been losing as much weight as I should, one big thing that has changed is the gluttonous mentality I used to have. That feeling that I could eat everything and anything I wanted to to! And believe me I used to indulge myself everyday. Me wait?! For what? for when? For they why!!!???? If I wanted it I had to have it, at that time! Burgers, chips, chocolates, fizzy drinks! You name it, I ate it. And while indulging in my gluttony I would feel this overwhelming sense of being out of control. I despised my weakness even though I indulged in it everyday.
So yes, I haven't lost as much weight as I would like but what I have gained far outweighs everything else. I have gained a sense of control, not only over my eating habits and my health but over my life. I am beginning to enjoy the concept of delayed gratification. Of looking forward to something and enjoying it when I finally get it because the wait was sweet torture. But most importantly I am learning that I am not a victim, I am not helpless. I can and I will and I am! Its slow but the 8 lbs weight loss has given me energy to keep going.
When it was hard to wake up this morning I chanted this verse to get me going: God has not given me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of POWER, LOVE and SELF DISCIPLINE! And that is what I am proclaiming over my life this week when all the toxic thoughts come up and when Im just feeling down and feel like I cant do it.
Slow and steady....