Hi All! I am very new to PCOS.
I have been struggling about weight loss and maintanence. I am not overweight, but I have 4-5 kgs to lose. By the way, I am not overweight thanks to my extraordinary care and hardwork. I was looking for a thyroid disorder as all my thyroid hormones are low-normal (just near the edge of lowest side of the range). Then after a OGTT, my doctor found out that I have insulin resistance, and due to that, hypoglycemia - despite I exercise very well regularly. Well that was explaining my struggle in weight loss, but then I realized metformin didn't helping after giving it a try for 2 months. Meanwhile; I was on Yasmin (birth control pill) for 4 years until last March, and my periods were regular. Before Yasmin, they were verh regular too. After last march it was:
March-just on time
April-just on time
May-just on time
June-just on time
July-10 days late
Aug-7 days late
Sept-7 days late (26th)
Around the 15th of Nov, I went to my gynecologist, he said everything seemed normal. He asked for hormone tests, and again he said everything was normal. But my T3 was lower than the range and all other thyroid hormones were low-normal as always. I found another doctor to seek for help. This time he said yes I had reactive hypoglycemia due to my insulin resistance; but it was because I had PCOS! He said my LH was higher than my FSH; which is a classical PCOS portrait no matter the fact that I have never had cyst according to my ultrasound results. He prescribed me chromium picolinate and inositol.
Here is what suprises me; my LH is 7.51, and my FSH is 6.11 . According to every article I found online, it says LH/FSH should be bigger than 2-3 to say that this person has PCOS. My ratio is nearly 1.23 ! This means what doctor says is meaningless. Please help me, I don't know to whom to believe anymore. I haven't even told you my adventures with other endocs... every doctor comes up with something else. I am so confused.
Thank you very much in advance.