Natural supplements & Low Oestrogen (?) - PCOS UK (Verity)

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Natural supplements & Low Oestrogen (?)

fuzlo profile image
8 Replies


I've had diagnosed PCOS for about 3 years and I struggle with many of the symptoms, particularly hirsutism and irregular cycles. I'm vegan and eat a largely PCOS-friendly diet (90% of the time) and although I'm not officially overweight, I carry a lot of fat around my midsection regardless of me eating well. Recently I have experienced a noticeable amount of weight gain, an increase in hirsutism, even less regular cycles, more mood swings, and for some reason a noticeable decrease in breast size which I know is not related to PCOS. Are these signs of low oestrogen levels?

I want to treat my symptoms holistically and do not wish to take medication for them. I haven't had any green or spearmint tea in a long time nor have I been taking my multivitamins, omega 3 or B12 supplements. However, I don't feel I was ever taking them regularly or long enough to notice any improvements to begin with. What supplements do you ladies take or suggest to aid PCOS/low oestrogen levels?

I've read about evening primrose oil, saw palmetto, fenugreek, turmeric/curcumin, cinnamon, maca, inositol and vitex. However, would it be crazy to take ALL of these on top of the ones I take? That's a lot of stuff to take everyday forever. I try to include turmeric in my cooking but it's hard to do regularly enough so I feel that a curcumin supplement would be the most effective way of ensuring I get enough.

So far I am thinking of drinking spearmint and green tea, using cinnamon in my food everyday and taking the following supplements:

- Multivitamin (Vitamin A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid)

- B12 (A separate supplement)

- Omega 3

- Turmeric/Curcumin

- Evening primrose oil

- Inositol (?)

Can anyone help me?


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8 Replies
katlil profile image

Hi, I've been taking evening primrose oil, serrapeptase, maca and Vitex x Just got my first natural period in well over a year after a month of these supplements also on Metformin prescribed by GP. I have noticed my moods have improved massively and to have a natural period (last one was prescribed northeriston to bring it on) is a huge step in the right direction for me so something must be working xx

fuzlo profile image
fuzlo in reply to katlil


I've never heard of serrapeptase, what is it and what do you take it for? I am really interested in evening primrose oil. I am glad to hear your periods and moods are improving, I am desperate to take a hold of this one and for all! xx

katlil profile image
katlil in reply to fuzlo

Serrapeptase is a natural enzyme xx I'd read that for ladies with PCOS and also I have fluid in my fallopian tube that serrapeptase is an enzyme which helps break down cysts and scar tissues and unblock tubes xx they sell it on Holland and Barretts had read it gets pretty good success rates but every one is different I suppose xx I must be doing something right tho to be having a natural period for the first time in 14 months x it just gets all so confusing sometimes you read about so many conflicting ideas and treatments and supplements you could get lost in it all xx

Ree2705 profile image

Hi there,

I take all of the supplements you have listed als well as magnesium, D3 and Inositol, biokult, selenium and kelp...however, I will regularly have a break from each one to avoid taking too much! I also self-inject B12 as I have a deficiency. The ones I really notice if I don’t take (ie: symptoms of PCOS reappear quickly) are the curcumin, inositol and magnesium.

When my PCOS was at its worst (in my 20s and 30s - I’m not 50 and menopausal) my endocrinologist prescribed Spironolactone for the excessive hair and I found this worked really well, but took a few months to kick in.

I am currently watching my 18 year old daughter suffer with every symptom of PCOS - much worse than I did - and it reminds me what a bloody awful condition this is.

I took at least 20 years of trying so many different natural remedies before I found combinations that help and I believe it is different for everyone. One thing that really made a difference and helped me to get pregnant was seeing a homeopath - she did something pretty amazing with my hormones.

One last thought, I also use a progesterone cream that helps to balance my estrogen dominance and this has helped me.

I wish you luck finding the right things to help you. Writing this response to you has made me realise how my PCOS has dominated my life ☹️

fuzlo profile image
fuzlo in reply to Ree2705


Thank you so much for your reply. Wow that is a lot but with PCOS we do need to consider taking them! What symptoms do you suffer with the most and which supplements do you know aid what? I'm almost 23 and have myself to blame with the lack of progress. I am an illustration student so spend almost everyday hunched over a sketchbook or computer so am largely inactive, I forget to take supplements, I don't drink nearly enough water. I guess, I just get frustrated watching girlfriends do the same minimal activity but eat junk food and maintain smooth, hairless, petite bodies. What IS homeopathy? I've heard about it! Is it holistic/all natural treatment? How long have you been taking this combination of supplements? I am convinced that I have low oestrogen levels and am desperate to balance them out. I will look into the progesterone cream, I never knew such a thing existed!

I am so sorry that PCOS has affected yours and your daughters life. I found being diagnosed so vague and unhelpful with just the contraceptive pill and some cold talk from my GP about maybe never being able to conceive. I felt alone until I wrote a light hearted post about it on Facebook last year and since then I've had many other girls talk to me privately about their own struggles with it, people I never realised had it.


Ree2705 profile image
Ree2705 in reply to fuzlo

Awww you sound like my daughter - I’m 50 now and just gone through the change; I thought my PCOS would go but apparently you have a resurgence of symptoms!!

My worst symptoms are weight and hair - my skin has never suffered. My daughter has weight, skin and hair. She hates taking metformin, supplements and she’s on the pill. Everything she know has been stuff I’ve told her - she’s still waiting for an appointment with an endocrinologist but he won’t be able to tell her more than I have; probably won’t be that bothered either,

Unless you’re a fellow sufferer you have no idea of the effects it has on your life. It took me 7 years to get pregnant with my first baby but that ended badly with and then it took another 12 months to get pregnant with my daughter then another daughter followed quickly. 6 years of miscarriages followed and my youngest daughter was born when I was 40.

In my 40s the symptoms called down and I managed to loose a couple of stone and I got fitter through walking, cycling and swimming - this made a massive difference, although it was hard work!! I could do with losing another 1 - 2 stone but I’m a size 14 and fairly content.

Homeopathy is all natural treatment and like I say it helped me along with supplements.

Sadly, it’s hard work to control your symptoms but getting control of your body through diet, exercise and supplements is addictive - I nag my daughter about it but I feel her pain because like you she has lots of skinny hair free friends who don’t have to think about the things she does.

I know it hard to break the habits of poor eating and not exercising but you have to think about the future and the fact life is too short to sit around feeling down about your body and its weaknesses - one minute your 23 the next your everything you can to keep yourself healthy and enjoy life 😁

One final thought, getting pregnant is possible but it can take longer - I have a friend who is 27, she has PCOS but she is 5 months pregnant after 18months of trying. Also, I read some research that said if you have PCOS it’s easier to get pregnant in your 30s - wish I’d know this as the later half of my 20s and early 30s was so sad trying for a baby, I look back now and realise what a bad time it was!!

Hindsight is a wonderful thing I know but information is power with so many health issues. Do everything you can to keep healthy 👍🏻

fuzlo profile image
fuzlo in reply to Ree2705

It's so helpful sharing knowledge and advice on here with people who can relate to this, so far I've had very little of that. It's nice to be able to talk to someone who has been there, done that as well! Haha. So far my PCOS symptoms have been the same but this year has been especially strange for me and I'm not really sure what's going on. I get mid-cycle bleeding, extremely painful menstrual cramps, rapid weight gain, and especially recently I have gained midsection fat, been more emotional and I have sore, full feeling breasts (after period) and they have decreased in size very noticeably. I can only describe it as a second puberty that came not long after normal puberty and is still happening! But a male puberty! I used to have boobs, a waist, hips, a bum! But now it's all gone and I'm just a fat, hairy mass with "moobs" more than boobs haha. PCOS makes me feel robbed of my femininity and I've never felt normal because of it. I've suffered with bouts of depression and anxiety throughout the last 8ish years and although sometimes I go through phases of feeling extremely motivated and go into a healthy routine of clean eating, supplement taking, yoga and even running at one point, I crash and burn in despondency and self loathing and it becomes hard to climb out. I know is the same for us all. I am desperate to be a mum one day and I know my body needs to prepare for that as well. I'd like to lose a couple of stone and be able to maintain that and see the other symptoms get better. I know I need to get my act together big time x

Bing0 profile image

Hi I have been looking at Dr Marilyn Glanville website considering going Down the natural supplement route for PCOS symptoms. Has anybody tried this it’s expensive but recommends 3 months of taking the full whack of suggested supplements then reviewing and going onto maintenance dosage. She also offers lab tests to discover the deficiencies you have and need to balance.

Sounds good also a very good book written by her about dealing with symptoms naturally.

I would be interested to hear if anyone has any thoughts re this approach?

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