Polls - Vegan Foods for Life | HealthUnlocked

Vegan Foods for Life

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What will you be cooking for your Christmas Dinner?

What Tips Would You Give to a First-time Vegan? πŸŒ±πŸ’š

How do you enjoy helping Animals? (Multiple Choice)

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Vegan lockdown. How are you managing getting vegan foods when supermarkets are in short supply.(Use the comments to share your thoughts)πŸ™‚πŸŒ±

Animals stepping into the path of oncoming traffic seems to be becoming much more of a problem, When/If it happens do you

Would you eat deep fried vegan food if it has possibly been fried in oil used to deep fry an animal product? (Say what other is) πŸ™‚πŸŒ±

Thinking about Visiting Vegan Food for Life, what do you hope to get from the forum? (say what other is or how VFL can be improved). πŸŒ±πŸ™‚

What’s your favourite vegan breakfast to start the day β˜€οΈ

How do you Cope with seeing footage/Reading articles about animals being mistreated and what impact does it have on how you behave?

Vegans and medicines - This time of year lots of us can come down with flu/virus etc. When looking for medications to help - Do you

How do you want do help animals in 2019

🌱Are you or is anyone you know taking part in Veganuary..This is a multiple choice poll so say what other is πŸ™‚πŸŒ±

As there is a growing concern about what chemicals are in our foods, but what about toiletries? Which product/s concern you the most?

Good afternoon , this is a multiple choice poll about taking supplements/Vitamins 😊

Good evening everyone, Here is a poll on what you think is your healthiest food choice: Thanks to Jerry for this, it was his idea 😊

Which are your favourite food preferences, this is a multiple choice poll and please say what other is:

How many people will have given up meat in the next 2 generations,πŸ’š this is a single choice poll and please say what other is.

Which of these apply to you since going vegan, this is multiple choice so please tick all that apply and say what other is. πŸ’š

There are 4 questions here about being a vegan, please answer yes or no to all that apply, πŸ’š

Which of these protein sources do you eat, this is a multiple choice poll so please tick all that apply and say what other is. πŸ’š

Whats your favourite plant based cheese,πŸ§€ single choice and please say what other is.

What if anything prevented you from first becoming vegan? This is a multiple choice poll. Please say what other is.🌱

What is your favourite plant based milk, πŸ₯› One choice so please say what other is. (Coconuts are not true nuts)

How do you feel since going vegan? πŸ’š Please tick either Yes or No to each question.

How long have you been vegan? this is a single choice poll and please say what other is and how long you've been vegan. πŸ’š

How many other vegans do you know? πŸ’š This is a single choice poll and please say what other is.

What vitamins/supplements do you take, this is a multiple choice and please say what other is. πŸ’Š

Which of these super foods do you eat? 🌈 This is multiple choice and please say what other is.

What's your BMI, this is a single choice poll and open to all members.

Whats the most important advantage to you of being a vegan? this is a single choice poll so please feel free to say what other is.

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