Vegan lockdown. How are you managing ... - Vegan Foods for Life
Vegan lockdown. How are you managing getting vegan foods when supermarkets are in short supply.(Use the comments to share your thoughts)🙂🌱
We are still receiving our organic veg box and also doing a bit of super marking shopping. Most things are okay except maybe not always the brand I’d choose or organic. The pub over the road sets up a stall for a couple of hours everyday selling flour, yeast, milk, vegetables etc. Which is really good. They are much better at running a veg stall than they ever were the pub so who knows. Maybe a new career path for the future 👍😀
I like the sound of what your local pub is doing. Yes maybe thought for the future.🤔
I'm primarily a plant-based eater, but I have to say I'm flexitarian. I will eat meat and fish occasionally, although I try to buy the best quality I can find and afford. But my diet is mostly (90-95%) vegan or vegetarian, and if I were more self-disciplined, I'd be vegan. I hope that it's OK for me to be here in this part of the community.
I like to eat as much in the line of fruit and veg, and whole grains as I can. I had my last shopping delivery on 21 March and my next one is 10 April, so this has been a really tough time. I am on the last of the bread today, so I will have to leave the house to buy more since I wasn't able to get any flour to make my own bread in the last delivery either.
Because I am disabled and have a bit of trouble walking or standing for any length of time, I have avoided going out to shop myself until it's absolutely impossible to manage otherwise. That's why I usually have my shopping delivered, but you can't get a delivery any more unless you are classified as extremely vulnerable, and just needing a crutch to walk and struggling to stand up in a queue doesn't count. I understand, but I'm dreading the shopping I have to do soon.
It's running out of grains and vegetables that worries me most. I have so many wonderful vegan recipes, and there are some terrific vegan chefs making videos on youtube, that finding inspiration to use up the ingredients I do have is much easier than it used to be.

Hello it’s lovely to hear from you and yes of course it’s okay for you to be on here. We are all on our own individual journey.
Well you really are affected by the lockdown and I’m surprised that you do not qualify as a vulnerable shopper! I’m not sure who you shop with but I have friends with Asda and ocado and they have no trouble and they are not disabled in anyway. I’m with sainsburys and I think they are handling the whole shopping experience rather badly from my experience.
Also of course there is Amazon although a lot of items are out of stock or very expensive now.
Do you have someone who can get shopping for you?
It’s great you are 90 to 95% vegan and as you know you can find some delicious recipes on line. If you see a link you like feel free to share it as we are all learning from each other 🙂🌱
Unfortunately my family are not close to me, either geographically or emotionally. My mother is self-isolating, one brother is looking out for her because they're close geographically, and the other has his own family to take care of. I started living where I live now for work reasons, but never prioritised making friends for historical reasons. I don't have a lot of stamina so I don't often have a lot left to give to other people, you see. I'm determined to change and improve the situation but that's where I'm at right now. I'm blessed with my laptop and broadband so I can still reach out to people to chat.
So, nobody to get my shopping, but there is a delivery coming in less than a week. I might eat some funny combinations but I do have enough to eat, which is key, in the end.

Yes exactly I suppose it’s a time for being inventive with the ingredients we have or can get hold of. I don’t think any of us thought we would ever be in this situation. It’s very surreal.
Great poll Ali,
My local whole food said how busy they've been and surprisingly Vego chocolate hasn't been in demand so I'm well happy 😁...the only thing thats sold out is zinc lozenges and flour.

Zinc lozenges and flour lol now that’s a combination! I love that Vego chocolate! Just before the announcement of the lockdown I somehow had the foresight to buy some chocolate from Hotel chocolat. They do a vegan milk chocolate which is delicious as it turns out and I accidentally ate the whole box and then ordered some more in double quick time ready for Easter. I was frantically buying chocolate whilst the rest of the world was buying loo rolls!
I have been vegan for a few years, before that veggie since age 13. I am still vegan and managing to get fruit and veg ok so far, have just ordered a large fruit and veg box. I cook mainly from fresh using lentils, pulses etc, but husband has also gone to Asda to get some frozen vegan bits and vegan cheese, so doing ok.
Hope everyone is ok and keeping safe
Oh and I love Vego bars would love one now 😊
Hi Ali
A very good poll thank you.
I'm not finding it any harder being a Vegan just much harder following the low fodmap diet as I cannot get spelt flour anywhere, I can't tolerate much else. The GF bread in the shops have eggs in most brands but the one brand that doesn't has yeast and I can't have that either.

Oh no. That’s a real pain for you. Flour does seem to be flying off the shelves unfortunately.
Yes it's really strange with the flour, I can see people that don't normally buy special flour having loads left in their cupboards.
I had a jacket potato today with Vegan cheese and a couple if baby tomatoes and one of the homemade sweet potato brownies, can't get enough of those🤣😋

What a great poll Ali, must admit I am finding it much harder finding food, although to be fair I have to have Gluten free as well. I am low on food, went to the Supermarket after work on Friday and found almost everything was empty.
Best wishes
Oh Debs that’s not good. People hoarding is terrible and so unnecessary.mi hope you have better luck next time!
There will be no next time Ali, I absolutely refuse to queue in a cold car park for an hour / hour and a half to get a few groceries - they didn't even have any Chamomile Tea, nor any plant milk, seed milk or rice milk whatsoever.
Oh no. Was that Tesco? Our sainsburys is a bit of a joke so we have started using Waitrose which has a good selection and not very busy. Tbh I haven’t been, Phil goes, he quite likes it as it’s quiet. Sorry you had to queue for so long. I don’t blame you for not Wanting a repeat episode of that!
Strangely there are plenty of fresh veg in shops, but no dried beans and pulses, wholemeal pasta, brown rice. No wholemeal flour or yeast. I can see tons of food being wasted because the peiple who have panic bought all this stuff dont normally eat this stuff and cant be bothered to cook with it.
Mostly ok, having to try some other brands/items but luckily where we ate most folk don't seem to view our stuff as food so it's left for us 👍🏻🤣
Makes you wonder if people are just randomly buying what’s available but does make you wonder if they’ll ever use it!