How long have you been vegan? this is... - Vegan Foods for Life

Vegan Foods for Life

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How long have you been vegan? this is a single choice poll and please say what other is and how long you've been vegan. πŸ’š

9 Voters
Went vegan in 2016
Went vegan in 2017
Between 3 and 5 years
Since Veganuary (Jan 2018)
Between 5 and 10 years
Between 10 years and 20 years
Over 20 years
6 Replies
andyswarbs profile image

Went Veggie in 1980.

HealthSeeker7 profile image

Vegetarian since 1964 (at age 12), eggless since 1966, mostly vegan for the last couple of years, but still not 100% vegan.

Agoodenough profile image

I’ve been vegan for 2 1/2 years was vegetarian for 10 years before that.

Hi Jerry

I am about to go Vegan. I have been carrying out some research/spoken to someone in work who is a Vegan to ensure that I will be feeding my body with enough protein etc. The person in work carried out a lot of research and said that she makes sure she has enough B12.

Just using up some things I have left i.e. fish/dairy and will then be 100% Vegan. I have been a Pescatarian since December 2017.

Another good poll.

Alicia :)

in reply to

Hi Alicia, thank you and I wish you well and am sure that you're right, B12 is my biggest worry as I get bouts of microscopic colitis which triggers anaemic.

I'm a vegetarian coeliac now and my blood tests were good so I am really happy that I made the right decision there, so will be very interested in how you get on.

Good luck and good for you.

Jerry 😊

in reply to

Thank you Jerry and sorry your health suffered but so glad you made a decision to go veggie and you are much better. Not easy being a Coeliac.

I'll report on here how I get on.

Alicia πŸ˜€