Had my bloods done this week and things aren't looking great in terms of the graves, also got vitamins done as suggested.
FT4 - 46.8 [7.7-15.1]
FT3 - 19.7 [3.8-6]
TSH - <0.01 [0.38-5.3]
Serum thyroid peroxidase antibody was requested but the lab denied to test as I had it done in Dec '24
Vitamin D - 58 [51-374]
B12 - 370 [161-600]
Folate - 11.3 [3.1-19.9]
Ferritin - 46 [11-307]
I have ordered some Vitamin D supplements, does anyone have any suggestions on what to take for the ferritin support as it's on the low side. Would also be grateful to know if I'm supposed to be aiming for the high end of the range?
I am getting symptoms such as strong heartbeat, sweating, anxiety, fatigue, losing weight - all the same stuff as last year when I was diagnosed.
I am still very wary to take medication but am going to discuss it further with a private endo and get more information. As an aside I have weekly acupuncture with herbal Chinese tea daily and have been reading a lot about throat chakra blockages (not feeling safe to have voice or state needs) and regularly see a trauma therapist. I appreciate this will be quite alternative for some, but I feel it's important to note as you never know who's reading.
I know it can be frustrating for people to read about me not taking medication yet but please try to respect my decision as I do take this condition seriously.
Thanks in advance for your responses!
P.s if anyone has any stories about being terrified of meds but then having a good experience I would love to hear!