Here are my blood test results after being on 62.5mcg levothyroxine for 7 weeks:
- tsh decreased from 4 to 1.19 (0.27 - 4.2)
- ft4 increase from 17.7 to 20.7 (12 - 22)
- ft3 increase from 5 to 5.2 (3.1 - 6.8)
It looks like ft4 and tsh changed by 3 units but ft3 barely increased. Does this suggest bad conversion?
UPDATE: I was talking about this with greygoose that I had an infection/flu (sore throat, stuffed nose) about 10-14 days before thyroid labs. While I was looking at the NHS Monitor My Health's website (monitormyhealth.org.uk/thyr... suggested by tattybogle , I found:
"Being unwell can impact thyroid test results. We would recommend waiting 3 to 4 weeks after recovering from illness or infection before doing our thyroid tests."
I suspect this was the cause of my strange results but not entirely sure.
I recently did a 24 hour cortisol urine test (before any infection/cold) and the report said:
"Overall free cortisol levels are elevated, but metabolized cortisol (the best marker for overall cortisol production) is within range. Cortisol clearance may be a bit sluggish, which keeps free cortisol levels elevated in spite of normal overall production."
"The patient shows significantly higher free cortisol compared to metabolized cortisol. It may be advisable to check thyroid hormones if you have not."
Active b12: >256 (25-165)
Methylmalonate (vit b12 marker): 1.0 (0 - 3.5) ; comments: within range, b12 deficiency less likely
25 OH Vit D: 69 (50 - 200)
Folate: 8 (>2.9)
[this was 9 weeks ago] Ferritin: 104 (30 - 400)
On 62.5mcg for 7 weeks,
Water retention (face, abdomen): I think water retention has very slowly improved on this dose until week 5 when I had a viral/flu infection. Then it stalled/regressed in the following weeks.
Weight: my weight increased on 50mcg levo from 66.7kg to 68kg. this came with water retention (see previous post). now, it's decreased back to around 66.5kg
Sleep: one of my main hypo symptoms (or probably secondary hypercortisol from hypo) is early morning awakenings. I simply cannot go back to sleep. Just like water retention, this improved (late awakenings), stalled and may have regressed in the end.
Temperature (oral): still never reaches 37c. Most of the day it sits at 36.3-36.6c. Compared to other people in the room, my hands and feet are cold to touch. During the infection, temps dropped below 36c.
Resting heart rate: low 50s