I’ve been back and forth on meds and supplements over the years, trying to find the root cause of my issues, but I think these labs look good overall but I still feel bad. I’m lethargic all day, but the last few hours in the evening feel the best, but by 9pm passing out. My nails don’t really grow and they have vertical ridges and my cuticles are gone. I also have chest flutters after big meals when I expend energy. My short term memory is terrible as well. Is it the reverse t3 too high? I’m on 125mcg Synthroid daily and 100mg testosterone cypionate per week. What’s interesting is if I take Methyl-b12, I get huge mood and energy boosts, and terrrible insomnia, water retention and angular cheilitis. So I’ve been using tiny amounts of b12 to feel normal enough and dealing with the side effects until this past week, just letting everything even out (no b12), so angular cheilitis is healing, water retention leaving, but intense muscle tightness persists. Does anyone have any suggestions or insights? Thank you.
TSH .93
Thyroxine 6.8 (4.5 - 12)
T3 100 (71 - 180)
T4, Direct Free 1.48 (.82 - 1.77)
T3, Free 3.5 (2.0 - 4.4)
See picture for rest of labs.