Hi everyone,
This is my second post.
I started taking 50mcg Levothyroxine 10 days ago.
Not sure of the optimal interval for blood tests and increases in dosage. I’ve read 4 weeks, 6-8 weeks, and 3 months in different places!
Last Saturday I went into work but couldn’t cope and nearly had a meltdown so my manager suggested taking the rest of the week off.
I’m really glad I did.
I’ve been taking things easy, eating healthily, and doing some gentle exercise. I feel a lot better for it but I am still extremely tired and falling asleep during the day.
My symptoms seem quite severe given my test results (posted below). This may be because I also have arthritis, I’m autistic, I have hearing loss, and I’m getting old (65) - the cumulative impact of all of these seems significant and some of the challenges overlap.
I’ve booked a call with my GP practice on Monday to ask for a fit note. Part of me thinks that I should try to soldier on at work, but another part of me thinks that I should pay attention to how I feel and give myself time to adjust and regain energy.
Just wondered what other people did about work after they started treatment and were waiting to get their levels up? I know it’s not always possible to take time off even if we feel the need to. I am fortunate that I can. Being so close to state pension age means I am less worried about the consequences than I would have been earlier in my career.
Here are my test results:
Thyroid function test
Serum TSH level 9.37 mu/L [0.35-5.5]
Serum free T4 level 13 pmol/L [9.0-23.0]
Serum thyroid peroxidase antibody concentration >1300 Ku/L [0.0-59.0]
Vitamin D
Serum total 25 - hydroxy vitamin D level 27 nmol/L [50.0-99999.0]
Vitamin D levels of 25 - 50 nmol/L.
B12 / folate level
Serum vitamin B12 level 383 ng/L [190-910.0]
Serum folate level 5.7ng/mt [3.3-99999.0]
Serum ferritin level 80.1 ug/L [30.0-400.0]
Full blood count
Haemoglobin concentration 145 g/L [115-165]
MCV 95.1 fL [80.00-100]
Mean cell haemoglobin level 32.2 Pg [27.0-32.0]