I am on Levothyroxine 75mcg per day supplied by NHS and T3 20mcg per day from Roseway Labs. Started taking T3 in January this year. Both taken when I wake in the mornings usually between 7 and 8 am
I had two tests done on Wed. so didn’t have to stop vits etc twice. I stopped everything two weeks before the test. Medichecks done at 7.45 am, my friend who is a phlebotomist took the blood. Then had NHS test done at 9.50 at the drs surgery. Followed all protocols, T4 24 hours before. Split the T3 into two doses, first one in the morning of the day before test and second one that evening. However, the evening dose of T3 ended up being 1 am on the morning of the test due to me knitting, losing track of time, and falling asleep in the chair downstairs. Would this account for the high T3 result on the Medichecks test?
Results as below -
Medichecks Blood Test
CRP HS 0.751 mg/L (Range <3)
Iron Status
Ferritin 178.00 ug/L (Range 30 – 332)
Folate – Serum 15.6 nmol/L (Range > 7)
Vitamin B12 – Active >150 pmol/L (Range >37.5)
Vitamin D 89.8 nmol/L (Range 50 – 250)
Thyroid Hormones
TSH <0.005 mlU/L (Range 0.27 – 4.2)
Free T3 8.1 pmol/L (Range 3.1 – 6.8)
Free Thyroxine 16.3 pmol/L (Range 12 – 22)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 356.00 klU/L (Range 0 – 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies >600 klU/L (Range 0 – 34)
NHS Test
TSH Your value is <0.03 mU/LNormal range 0.35 - 5.50 mU/L
Free T4 Your value is 16.8 pmol/LNormal range 10.5 - 22.7 pmol
I’m confused as to what to do now. The GP ( I’ll call this doctor A) passed a message on to me on Thursday via the reception to say that he has reduced my Levo to 50 mcg in line with guidelines, I’m not sure if he read my notes, or if he knows I’m on T3 now. He did this last year without discussing with me first, we came to an agreement and settled on 75/100 alternate days at that time. I still felt unwell and in September last year my liver function became a problem I had extensive tests and saw a consultant in November, bilirubin over 200 etc. it resolved itself and by Christmas all levels were back to normal. This I felt was a result of not having enough T3 in my system and decided to source T3 privately. Started 2.5 mcg once a day from Roseway Labs and gradually increased slowly up to 15mcg once a day. When the weather changed I gradually began to feel symptoms returning, not sleeping so well, sluggish, tired by mid afternoon, cold, more brain fog, so two weeks ago I increased my T3 to 20mcg per day.
My Medichecks test in May gave T4 at 23 (12-22) so I reduced this from 100/75 alternate days to 75 a day, on good advice from the forum. The GP wasn’t aware of this.
When I had the NHS test in June my T4 had reduced to 17.3 (10.5-21) but the GP I saw at that time (I’ll call this doctor B) still wanted to reduce my Levothyroxine further because of my low TSH. I then decided to tell the GP that I was self medicating on T3 and had already reduced my Levothyroxine to 75.. There was a silence, then he asked about the T3 – dose, name etc. and was ok about this. I said I was keeping a check on my temp, heart rate etc. He explained I would still need NHS tests because I was taking Levo. I felt happy about this. However, it was Dr A who has decided to lower my dose again, Dr B is away apparently.
I’m not sure whether to let Dr A reduce my Levo to 50mcg or to keep it at 75. I lowered my T3 to 17.5mcg this morning.
I made a resolve to see Dr B in future, but when he is away Dr A takes over. There are only three doctors in the surgery. I had issues with the other doctor when I requested a Ferritin test last year. Please can you give me some help with this.