Hi, community.
So I’ve been on a bit of a wild run over the past 2.5 months trying to get my thyroid therapy back in good shape.
To give you a bit of the context, I am a 25 yo female, have been diagnosed with Hashimoto and subclinical hypothyroidism since 2018, started combo therapy (T4+T3) around 2020 and have been sticking to it ever since (felt very well!), checking my TSH, free T4, free T3 frequently, supplementing with selenium, vitamin D, methyl forms of B vitamins, betaine and all other goodness.
Early June this year I suffered a very intense 4-day insomnia episode with massive panic attacks/anxiety/heart palpitations (had some problems previously with panic attacks before getting diagnosed but sleep and heart - never, so that was new). Took me a while to understand that I actually was overmedicating myself by a mistake - I was taking T4 (75) + T3 (15) daily before but have mistakenly started taking 100 T4 + 20 T3 version and was taking it for half a month before above symptoms and episode has manifested.
Since then something changed in my body and I couldn’t even tolerate the previous dosage (75/15) like I used to - gave me heart palpitations, insomnia and anxiety 3-4 hours after taking the dose in the morning. In a desperate attempt I even went to see a “conventional” endocrinologist who put me on 100 T4, which I also couldn’t tolerate from the start, so I’ve cut the dose to 50 and decided to “hang on” on it for a bit and get stabilised before increasing further or adding back my usual T3.
I have 2 questions that I’d like help with:
1. I was trying to understand why I can’t tolerate t3 anymore and did a 4 point cortisol saliva test to rule out adrenal issues (ferritin/iron seems fine - I’ll put the latest lab results below as well). Not sure how to interpret these cortisol readings - some seem high some low:
Cortisol (07:15): 11.7 nmol/L Range 0.0-20.3
Cortisol (12:00) 5.66 nmol/L Range 1.6-5.6
Cortisol (16:00) 2.57 nmol/L Range: 0.0-6.94
Cortisol (21:00) <1.5 nmol/L Range: 0.0-7.56
ferritin 70 Range: 13-150
TIBC 54.8 Range:41-77
Iron 11.1 Range: 5.8-34.5
Transf saturation 20.3% Range:20-50
B12 562 Range:197-771
2. I’ve been taking my 50 T4 for around 3 weeks after a break in taking any thyroid medication of around 2 weeks (after overmedicating episode I described above). Heart palpitations have disappeared, my sleep has improved dramatically but I started getting air hunger/shortness of breath symptoms which I interpreted as my body wanting more hormone so I decided to act, apparently too fast.
I took 1/4 of Tiromel (25 T3/4=6,25 T3) before sleep, then on the next day my normal 50 of T4 plus 1/4 of tiromel and then I followed with another dose of 1/4 of tiromel at 15:00. Now it seems to me very illogical why I was going up so fast but I guess my logic was to put myself on 1/2 tab dosage daily by dividing T3 between morning and afternoon. Initially I felt amazing! No palpitations, very nice mood and energy, no air hunger. However at 21:00 I had a very sudden crash - my hands and feet went numb and cold like never before, extreme fatigue and I felt like I was going to pass out. I went to the ER as I was really loosing it - they checked my sugar levels, pulse, heart rate - all was normal. I’m still recovering after yesterday.. today I took my normal 50 T4 and wasn’t taking T3 at all. I’m not sure what happened but it was very intense. Could it be that because I upped the dose of T3 so fast it actually crashed into a very bad hypo episode? Is this even possible? How would you recommend for me to proceed further? I can also include here my latest TSH, T3/T4 results but they were taken after 2 weeks off any meds so not sure if any value. I plan to go do another thyroid blood work this week.
Thank you and sorry for a bit of a long read..