Hi all I’m in need of some more advice. As suggested, I’ve tried raising my vitamin levels since Nov 2023 and although not perfect, they’ve gone up. I’m still having burning in my feet so decided to go to a consultant. Below are my most recent bloods.
7th Feb 2024 Medichecks
Blood tests Result Range
Free T3 4.1 pmol/L 3.1 – 6.8
Free Thyroxine 19.7 pmol/L 12 - 22
TSH 2.980 mlU/L 0.27 – 4.
Ferritin 135.00 ug/L 30 - 650
Vit B12 - Active 132.0 pmol/L 37.5 - 188
Vit D 134.0 nmol/L 50 -250
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 159.0 kIU/L 0-115
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 17.7 klU/L 0-34
Folate (not able to process)
Last week I had a Zoom appointment with a consultation which, I think went well. It was a bit of a shock to have some take me seriously and ask questions about my issues. Really none of the ten GPs that I’ve seen at my surgery have ever questioned me about the burning. Long story short, the consultant suggested I have a trial of T3 (Liothyronine Thybon Henning) 5mcg twice a day. 5mcg with my T4 in the morning and 5mcg halfway through the afternoon. He is also suggesting that I take my usual 50mcg T4 Monday, Wed, Friday and Sunday and reduce my T4 to 25mcg on Tues, Thurs and Sat.
I’d really like your advice please. Are these instructions ok? I thought adding T3 would reduce my T4 level? If so, is it wise to add T3 and reduce T4 all at the same time? Should I start with adding T3 and then gradually reduce my T4 medication? How long before and after taking the mid-afternoon dose of T3 can I eat. Thank you for taking the time to reply, really grateful.