At my last endocrinology appointment, it was strongly suggested I have radioactive iodine therapy. I'm not terribly keen, for reasons that many of you here have pointed out.
I still don't know for sure that I have Graves'. The endo didn't think it mattered if it was Graves' or not, she would still recommend RAI. She said if it wasn't Graves' then it couldn't resolve by itself.
Does it matter?
I asked for TRab (results not yet known) and TSI. They said they don't do TSI. Results from 25th Sep were:
TSH <0.01 (0.27-4.2)
T4 41.3 (12-22)
T3 13.3 (3.9-6.7)
TSH-receptor antibody - pending
WCC 4.4 (4-10)
25-OH Vitamin D 59
Ferritin 210 ug/L (30-148)
Coeliac screen negative
I've been started on PTU 50mg and selenium 200mcg (I have mild eye disease). I'm also on propranolol.
Because I had severe neutropenia & hospitalisation after Carbimazole in a hyper episode last year, we are testing bloods weekly for 2 weeks, then fortnightly (WCC and liver function until 3rd week, then thyroid too). First blood test is 8.45 Monday morning.
My understanding is that usual duration of PTU treatment is 12-18 months. Beneficial effects take some time to manifest. However, treatment may not work or may cause adverse side effects and Radioactive Iodine treatment may then be necessary.
I have an appointment to discuss radioactive iodine therapy with the consultant on Tuesday, and am preparing questions. Any advice?
On which front, I would also like to take the opportunity to say a big thank you! You are all so kind and knowledgeable, and so generous with your time. I appreciate it very much.
Questions so far:
What are the TRab results?
How do we know that I don't have Hashimoto's? I understand that autoimmune thyroiditis can initially cause a transient rise before declining to under active. How long is transient?
I'd like to use antithyroid drugs for at least 18 months before deciding on a permanent course of action. Because:
- longer ATD treatment results in lower relapse rate
- if my flare is cause by stress (likely, as am shielding) then I can address that
- Graves' waxes and wanes and may resolve itself as it did last time
- risk of thyroid eye disease worsening with RAI
- risk of thyroid storm with RAI
Radioiodine ablation has been found to induce and/or exacerbate TED. I've heard a short course of prednisone helps in preventing the development of TED. But by how much?
Safety: my partner is severely immunocompromised. The leaflet says to keep away for 14 days after RAI treatment. But it also says stay away for 24 days if in close proximity with someone. We live and work together, so which is it?