Hello everyone,
Here are my daughter's results with new results of thyroid hormones taken at 9.15am fasting. The results I posted last week were taken in the afternoon so we re-did the test.
Only these thyroid markers are different, I have kept the other vit and minerals etc. from the first test (too expensive to retest!).
Bearing in mind she is symptomatic with hair loss for several months (GP did blood test but don't know what for and it was normal), a lot of fatigue, coldness and salt cravings, light-headedness, bad brain fog, but not diagnosed, how would you interpret her results? She has significant sleep disruption (wandering alert mind, but not necessarily anxiety). The only thing 3 plus years of GP blood tests has come back with is Vit D.
I'm interested in conversion problems as I don't really understand it, and options for the best way forward from here given that GP is unlikely to give a levo trial (and is that appropriate anyway at this stage?).
TSH 2.9 mIU/L (.27 - 4.2) 66.9%
Free T4 (fT4) 14.1 pmol/L (12 - 22) 21.0%
Free T3 (fT3) 4.4 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8) 35.1%
T4:T3 Ratio 3.205
Thyroglobulin Antbodies (TgAb) 14 IU/mL (≤ 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) 9 IU/mL (≤ 34)
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 0.6 mg/L (≤ 5)
Folate - Serum 8.91 ug/L (8.83 - 60.8) 0.2% - unit used on BH test is nmol/L. Thyroid Calculator uses ug/L does this make a difference?
Vitamin D 38 nmol/L - She's started (last week) 40 000 IU once a week and will retest. Could dose go higher still?
Ferritin 66.7 ug/L (13 - 150) 39.2%
B12 inactive 381 pmol/L (145 - 569) 55.7%
Magnesium 0.86 mmol/L (0.7 - 0.91) 76.2%
Saliva cortisol : will be uploaded later. Probably not much use as Medichecks and I didn't realise it was not a helpful test.
Would DHEA be helpful at this stage, being mindful of cost?
Background - aged 18
A very healthy child, issues only kicked off around age 14 after menstruation started (within a year or so) and also within a year or so of a very nasty flu bout. Whatever ails her has had a big impact on her life.
A psychologist has assessed her and suggests she consider getting an autism diagnosistic assessment. She has sensory issues which she says she has always had, but weren't noticeable to us.
She is lactose intolerant and stays away, gluten intolerant and has determined to stay away from now on.
She has polymorphisms in various methylation-related genes including MTHFR (hope I got that sentence right :)).
She is diagnosed with chronic migraine treated with monthly injections (Emgality) which help a lot.
She has epileptic activity measured on EEG but not classic seizures, she is not taking her Keppra medicine for it at the moment as it gives her headaches. Neurologist is happy to provide Keppra but says she doesn't fit an epilepsy pattern - my brain explodes at this point.
She has painful periods has tried progestrerone-only patch and mini pill which made her feel worse (woozy and even more tired). Currently not on anything.
She is quite allergic to dust, pollen and pets (we no longer have pets and don't smoke) permanently congested in her nose and she produces a lot of mucus, gp has prescribed a spray which isnt working well.
Ruled out: MCAS, MRI and CT scan clear. Under a neurologist for migraine.
I'm sorry for the long post but because she is undiagnosed I wanted to include as much of a picture as possible. We have been searching for several years to find what is causing the decline in her health.
Thank you very much for anything which occurs as to how thyroid fits in to her picture. Where should we go first from here?
Thank you.
The End😀