hi everyone,
I am currently on 100mcg t4 (tirisont) and t3 compounded t3 9.5mcg.
I was originally on 1 grain armour and 50mcg tirisont but struggled to get bloods optimal t3 was going over range and t4 low.
I am not feeling great at all on synthetics. I have extreme fatigue, hair loss, histamine reactions and a lot of muscle pain, weakness, heart racing. My pharmacist said to reset the t3 stop for a week then restart. So I went back up to 5mcg and dropped the other 4.5mcg.
I am at a loss what to do as my antibodies are getting higher and higher on synthetics. I can’t raise my t3 anymore, my asthma is awful and I can hardly get out of bed, I am so bunged up from histamine reactions I can’t taste or smell (9 weeks ongoing)
Bloods were 24hours after meds, no biotin, fasting. I also take vit D, iron, b12 and coq10, probiotic.
I will get vit levels checked in next bloods.
Any help would be appreciated because this is really getting me down.