I have recently swapped from 1 grain armour and 50mcg t4 tirisont to 100mcg tirsont and 9.5mcg of compounded t3.
I can’t even explain the level of fatigue I feel as though I have been hit by a bus (whole body aches), can hardly move or get out of bed. I am also experiencing. I am having a lot of histamine reactions, asthma’s got a lot worse, I am constantly hungry and falling asleep during the day. Between 2-4/5pm I can’t function at all.
So my Dr upped me to 125mcg t4 but still 9.5mcg t3.
I don’t know what to do or whether to swap back to my old meds. I was still having problems even on those as the fatigue was bad (but not this bad) & the body aches, hair loss was crazy. The reason I didn’t just up NDT is due to heart palps and going hyper as soon as I increase over 1 grain. I also get palps with the armour and tirosint mix. I do have PoTs so this obviously makes me quite sensitive.
I am supplementing for low vits, my iron levels are low 17 on the nhs range.
You can see by my bloods they are okish but t4 is still low which is why I had the 25mcg increase.
any help would be appreciated I just feel so unwell and I am unsure what to do for the best…