I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid in april 2022. What a rollercoaster! Do I have an autoimmune thyroid disorder?
My first test was looking at reason for a change in bowel movements and fatigue.
Doctor responded directly to the TSH level and placed me on 25mg levothyroxine.
Serum TSH level 32.2 miu/L (0.4-49).
Serum free T4 level 7.6 pmol/L (9-19)
Serum Ferritin level 36 ng/ml (15-204)
Tissue transglutaminase IgA level <0.2 u/mL
I felt terrible, confused, forgetful, weight gain hairloss, pins and needles with fatigue off the scale. My quest to understand grew 😁
Second NHS blood test June 2022 results
Serum TSH level 4.9 mu/LLL
Serum free T4 level 12. 4pmol/
Serum thyroid peroxidase antibodies 951 iu/mL (0.0-6.0)
Still feeling symptomatic doctor increased levothyroxine to 50mg.
I changed my diet and lifestyle as a result of reading many of the threads on this site. I went gluten and diary free, I ate whole foods removed processed foods and followed a thyroid friendly diet and included anti-inflammatory foods (and still do and feel a positive difference with a little lost a of weight)
Out of desperation to understand what was going on I ordered my first medicheck advanced thyroid....and wow I was amazed.
CPR HS 0.75 mg/L (0-5)
Ferritin 56.8ug/L (13-150)
Folate Serum 9.55 ug/L (>3.89)
B12 active 50.8 pmol/L (37.5-150)
Vitamin D 83 nmol/L (50-200)
TSH 1.41 mU/L (0.27-4.2)
Free T3 4.04 pmol/L (3.1-6.8)
Free T4 19.3 pmol/L (12-22)
Thyroglobulin antibodies 212 IU/ml (<115)
Thyroid Peroxidase 815 IU/ml (<34)
I was improved and feeling a little more human but I was stilling having hair loss, tremendous pins and needles running down my legs whilst active and at rest, still fatigued and lacked energy. Medichecks advised B12 testing.
Spoke with doctor, who was reluctant to run bloods for B12 but I empasised I was symptomatic for B12 neurological symptoms (thanks to you guys). Bloods taken.
3rd NHS Blood test results August
Serum ferritin level 33 ng/L
Serum B12 280 ng/
Serum folate 10.5 ng/ml
I have been supplementing my diet since June with Q10, magnesium citrate, turmeric, Cod liver oil, vitamin B complex, cytoplan antioxidant, probiotic. There is so much out there but what is the right approach.
(All test taken following your guidance on stopping supplements and delaying levothyroxine)
Where should I go next?
what do you wonderful people make of my journey?😀