I finally managed to get a Ferritin test from GP after latest Medichecks showed it had gone down despite taking 20mg of Solgar Gentle Iron. Well, the NHS one shows it’s gone up to 31 from 24 which is amazing really as I haven’t been taking any iron for two weeks!!! So I’m getting no help from them. Unless the iron was working and Medichecks messed up!
At the moment I’m only taking Vitamin D & Vit K as I stopped everything else for Medichecks test then left it until the GP one.
I know not to start up everything at once especially as my tummy has been playing up recently so my question is given my results as below what should I start with first to help with the fatigue and then what order? I’ve got the Vit D etc covered as that’s rising nicely and in the cupboard I have Solgar gentle iron 20mg, Thorne Basic B, magnesium and my probiotics.
Medichecks - Ferritin 42.8 (13-150) Folate 4.97 (>3.89
Vitamin B12. 76.7 (37.5-150) Vitamin D 87 (optimal)
For interest only and I’m not thinking about these for now as they may improve with vitamins but my TSH is 2.06 (0.27-4.2) Free T 3 3.95 (3.1-6.8) Free Thyroxine 13.2 (12-22) (no medication) which aren’t great but none of the GPs will consider this a problem even with my symptoms so I’m hanging on til they drop further.
I’m sure I’ve said it before but without the forum’s support I would truly be a basket case by now so thank you one and all 🥰