I’m thinking of adding a magnesium supplement to take for a short while because I keep reading that many of us are deficient. I’ve looked at the list provided on this forum and saw that there are probably four or five “best types” but what is ionic magnesium? I’ve found a liquid one by metabolics - I like and trust their products because they raised my folate and B12 (methylcobalamim) quite quickly - but I wondered what is ionic and it’s advantages, if any? I also like that there are two strengths and that you can take anything from one drop to 10
Ionic magnesium chloride. Is ionic better? - Thyroid UK
Ionic magnesium chloride. Is ionic better?

Ionic just refers to the way the atoms/molecules are bound together. I don't even pretend to understand it - and, it would appear, nobody else on here does, either! But, I don't think it makes the magnesium supplement itself either better or worse. What's important is what the magnesium is bound to. Have you seen this list?
* The magnesium you take - and just about everybody needs to take it - should be chosen according to what you want it to do:
Magnesium citrate: mild laxative, best for constipation.
Magnesium taurate: best for cardiovascular health.
Magnesium malate: best for fatigue – helps make ATP energy.
Magnesium glycinate: most bioavailable and absorbable form, non-laxative.
Magnesium chloride: for detoxing the cells and tissues, aids kidney function and can boost a sluggish metabolism.
Magnesium carbonate: good for people suffering with indigestion and acid reflux as it contains antacid properties.
Worst forms of magnesium: oxide, sulphate, glutamate and aspartate.
Hope that helps.
It does thanks. I’ve chosen chloride to hopefully help boost a sluggish hypothyroid metabolism ( probably won’t make any difference) but I also toyed with the idea of citrate to help with constipation (probably due to sluggish metabolism!). I’m of the mind that if chloride helps boost metabolism then my bowel will speed up too!
Let’s see. Perhaps I’ll be able to post a positive comment in a few weeks’ time
There's no reason why you can't take both at the same time - half of one and half of the other. You can even find supplements that combine several different types of magnesium.
A few thoughts on constipation:
Constipation is something a lot of us get. The best things to help are magnesium citrate and large doses of vit C.
Four things to think about with constipation:
1. Are you getting enough fibre? You need fibre for your transit, BUT you don't want too much fibre because it could affect the absorption of your levo, making you more hypo, and therefore possibly more constipated. It's a matter of finding the right balance.
2. Are you drinking enough water. Your body needs a constant supply of water, and if it's not getting enough, it will suck your poo dry (sorry for that image!) to get the water, leaving you more constipated and unable to 'go'.
3. Do you have low stomach acid? Low stomach acid can be caused by being hypo, but also by low-salt diets and B12 deficiency (also old age, but not much you can do about that). Low stomach acid will cause constipation. So, you need to check your nutrients, and your stomach acid level (bicarb test), and if either are low, you need to raise them.
4. Do you, by any chance, have high levels of calcium? Because that, too, can cause constipation. So, that’s another thing that wants testing.
I would add that getting your nutrients tested: vit D, vit B12, folate, ferritin - will give you a clue as to your stomach acid level. If they are low, then your stomach acid will also be low.
Thank you gg, all my nutrient levels are now good to excellent. I drink approx 2.5-3L/day of water and have plenty of fibre in the form of fruit and veg. My constipation isn’t bad, just a bit of tendency there really. Calcium isn’t too high but stomach acid could be low I suppose. What’s the bicarb test?
I just think that with a slow metabolism, comes slow everything really. Slow bowel, slow mind etc. Recently though I’ve noticed some improvement in concentration and thought processes, so at the moment things are on the up
I have no idea what my magnesium levels are and wanted only to take it for a short while/intermittently on the basis that like most people, I’m probably deficient. I don’t necessarily want it to perform a particular function but a boost to metabolism might be nice and if it prevents the odd bout of constipation, great
What’s the bicarb test?
You'll find instructions at the end of this article:
Yes, you're right, of course, about slow metabolism. But, it's always a good idea to take care of the other possible causes - or factors that could aggravate the constipation.
There's no point in testing magnesium, due to the way the body handles it. A test could show good levels, but you could still be deficient. It's best just to take some. Excess will be excreted, anyway.

If tend to suffer from constipation then calm vitality magnesium powder is cheap and easy one to use. Best to start on low dose and increase until you get desired effect....too much can cause diarrhoea
All magnesium supplements must be four hours away from levothyroxine and best taken afternoon or evening
Thank you SD. What type of magnesium is calm vitality?
Magnesium citrate
Thank you SD. Did you choose that for a particular reason and have you considered a powder that contains different types of magnesium? The advantage being I suppose is that you get a variation in benefits
Personally I prefer liquids (or tiny pills)
Since thyroid disease I can’t swallow any large capsules
I used Calm vitality magnesium powder for 2-3 years (on recommendation of several members)
I now use Re-Mag as it doesn’t affect gut at all. But it’s not cheap. Developed by Dr Carolyn Dean who wrote the Magnesium Miracle.
Another that might be worth trying - Igennus Triple magnesium
You’re right, it’s not cheap but has mostly, amazing reviews on amazon, except one or two that say she uses all sorts of preservatives not stated on the bottle (which is plastic!). I looked at the label and it says nothing about preservatives so I’m guessing that these particular reviewers are mistaken
I like the idea that it’s absorbed directly into the cells and bypasses the gut and if it’s true that it’s only reverse osmosis water and magnesium then all the better
Thank you SD
You may be interested in metabolics liquid magnesium chloride (it’s the one I was considering when I first posted on here yesterday). I don’t know if it differs significantly or at all from re mag but the price certainly does. It varies from £18 for 100mls to £33 for 500mls - I think the 500ml might be a plastic bottle. Would love to to hear your thoughts on it because I don’t know much about it
Thank you gg, all my nutrient levels are now good to excellent. I drink approx 2.5-3L/day of water and have plenty of fibre in the form of fruit and veg. My constipation isn’t bad, just a bit of tendency there really. Calcium isn’t too high but stomach acid could be low I suppose. What’s the bicarb test?
I just think that with a slow metabolism, comes slow everything really. Slow bowel, slow mind etc. Recently though I’ve noticed some improvement in concentration and thought processes so at the moment things are on the up