Hello, I apologise for the long post and thank you if you take the time to read..
An update from my recent posts re high T4 and low T3. Low vitamin D, B12 and folate.
My oncologist has referred me back to the endocrinologist who apparently does recommend T3 if he thinks it’s appropriate - he didn’t think I needed it when I saw him previously but my T3 was higher then. Appointment hopefully soon.
In the meantime I have new supplies to hopefully improve my conversion to T3, based on recommendations from the helpful people on this forum as follows:
Super B complex 1 tablet twice a day
Doctors Best high absorption Magnesium 100%. chelated 2 tablets twice daily - too much?
Oxford Vitality Selenium 200mcg 1 tablet daily
I use Better You Vitamin D+K2 oral spray - at present 5 sprays daily while waiting for endo advice
I also have Better You Magnesium spray (which I have been using before I bought the drs best supplement to rub in aching muscles and joints). I assume I can’t use both?
Is there anything else that might help??
I am 71 years old and since retiring I have always enjoyed the hours I work in a role that had no set hours, was just as and when I was needed and if I was available.
Just recently the company is experiencing some permanent staff shortages due to shielding etc and the “as and when” has increased considerably. The work involves quite a lot of driving and also responsibility. I am finding it very tiring and also experiencing a lot of anxiety and returning home irritable and short-tempered. I suspect it is maybe time to give up work and retire completely or at least learn to say no more often, but before I do that I want to be sure I’m on track to be the best version of this ageing me that I can be! Hence the renewed effort with vitamins etc and another go at trying to get some T3..
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or advice.