Hello again. Am beside myself on trying to figure out what to do. Very long story short, I was overmedicated and very ill for most of 2018 and diagnosed Jan of 2019 with "iatrogenic hyperthyroidism". Per doc, stopped my thyroid meds and numbers have stayed in range on NO meds since Jan 2019 - not optimal, but in range since Jan of 2019. I had severe hyper symptoms through 2018 and most of 2019 (hyper symptoms: feel like the flu, multiple bowel movements, fast pulse, head pressure, terrible weakness, acne "bumps" on back of head, --horrible!) but those symptoms, in fact, finally faded and now symptoms are mostly standard hypo symptoms (normal fatigue, hair loss, lower blood pressure/pulse, tingling in lower legs, carpal tunnel, aches/pains, woozieness) which are the same hypo symptoms I felt when TSH initially went to 6.0 (.5 - 4.5) back in 2014 when I started a low dose of 75 Synthroid.
So, i have had no thyroid meds since Jan 2019 and numbers have stayed in range... barely. Other factor is I went gluten free due to stool test results in early 2018 which I am sure has had some effect. (fyi it 110% solved MYconstipation problem). Also, I did have TPO Antibodies of 129 but after going gluten free that number has always been in range (less than 10).
Doc explained once overmedicated it is 12 - 24 months to recover. I am now at 18 months. Days or more tolerable since the hyper symptoms have finally faded, but now feel pretty hypo. Many of you know - there is nothing like severe fatigue and this type of unwellness to teach you patience. I have not been bedbound, but many days have been a real struggle.
The problem is over the last few months I have twice tried to start meds again as doc agrees my labs show subclinical hypo (see labs below) and he is ok with me trying meds again - but when I start with 25mcg Synthroid within just TWO DAYS my "hallmark hyper" symptoms rush back (immediately I have an acne bump(s) on back of head, head pressure and can feel my pulse in my head, multiple bowel movements, and the same terrible weakness awful fluish hyper feeling). These hyper symptoms are very different and horrible than the hypo. So I have to stop the Synthroid after a couple days as I cannot live feeling THAT sick!
I do have an appointment with Dr. Theodore Friedman, Los Angeles, CA at the end of September and anxiously await his input (I'm from the US), and I have seen his name mentioned on this forum several times and he is supposed to be really great. By the way, does anyone know any other doctors in the US who stand out as really great thyroid specialists who are MDs?
Anyway, I want to thank the moderators on this site. You are heroes in my book - I read this site every day and have learned so much and have gotten so much comfort out of that knowledge.
Thank you for any input on why I am not able to take a small dose of Synthroid without unbearable hyper symptoms raging back! Perhaps I am still healing as my doc says.
Labs August 2020:
TSH: 4.26 (.5 - 4.5)
FT4: 1.0 (.82 - 1.77)
FT3: 3.0 (2.0 - 4.4)
Rev T3: 9.9 (9.2 - 24.1) (note, was 24.4 after a year on Armour in 2018 and feeling so ill)
RT3 Ratio: 30 (>20) (note, was 12.0 after a year on Armour in 2018 and feeling so ill)
TPO: 9
TG antibodies: <1
Homocystein: 15.8 (<14.5)
Vitamin D 25H: 52.9 (30-100)
Vitamin B12: 426 (232-1245)
Ferritin, Serum: 50 (15 - 150)
Iron Bind Cap: 306 (250-450)
UIBC: 204 (131-425)
Iron: 102 (27-159)
Iron Saturation: 33 (15-55)
Coritsol blood test: all normal