Urgh, apologies if you keep reading my saddo posts on feeling ill. Every time I have a whinge someone seems to make a helpful suggestion.
Since Oct I haven't felt well and I seem to have a mixture of hypo and hyper symptoms. My last tests showed my t3 to be in the top third of the range, suppressed tsh. My guts are fine (no diarrhoea, which I had last time my test results showed me to be a bit hyper). My resting pulse is the same as always, temp the same it has been since I've been on enough meds, but any stimulation - esp emotional - sends my heart hammering like mad.
At my appt last week my gp seemed to think that my meds were a little high and that this means I'm producing too much adrenaline, so my resting pulse may be fine but when something makes me excited, too much adrenaline is produced.
At that stage I would've taken any advice because I felt so ill. I reduced my meds as gp requested and I do feel a bit better (immediately it was like one of the three weights on my head was lifted), but I'm far from well.
My iron and b12 were low and I'm supplementing like crazy. Folate was at the top of the range. I'm back on a gf diet. Ages ago I was diagnosed with adrenal issues and have been working to support that but I've no idea if it's working (I haven't been retested).
I seem to need less medication than I used to. I was on 125mcg t4 and 25 t3 when I felt well and at the time of my last tests I was on 75 t4 and 37.5 t3. I've been on the new dose (50/75 t4 and 25 t3) for just over a week. I still have no symptoms of my dose falling below an acceptable level. I have begun to see some oedema creeping on but this had begun before the change in dose (and it could be period-related).
I've lost confidence in what used to be my ironclad hyper/hypo symptoms (over/underactive guts and pulse) so I can't tell if I'm on the right dose of meds or adjust my dosage with any certainty. I used to feel ill if I reduced my t4 but now it doesn't seem to bother me.
I'm considering trying ndt - ? But I know that isn't a sure thing. But first is it worth giving t3 a try - ?
Sorry this is all over the place. I'm just trying to plot my next move. I'm desperate to feel well!