Hello all,
I posted my blood tests results a couple of weeks ago:
FT3: 4.2 (range 3.5-6.5) (pre Levo level 3.9)
FT4: 15 (range 11.5-22.7) (pre Levo level 10.8)
TSH: 0.25 (0.55-4.78) (pre Levo level 0.34, but I am TSH deficient because of pituitary issues - also adrenal insufficient because of ACTH deficiency, so take hydrocortisone)
Serum ferritin: 24 (range 10-291)
Serum vit B12: 874 (211-911)
Serum folate: 6.07 (range 3.38-23.9)
Vit D: 81 (range 50-374) – although I have been taking a high dose supplement and soaking up lots of sun
FBC all came back as ‘normal’, except for a high % of hypochromic cells (which I have had consistently for the past few years, but am always told means nothing as the rest of the blood count is within range).
SlowDragon suggested that as my Ferritin result was very low, I asked for full iron panel tests. (Also that my Folate is rather low too).
I have had the iron tests, results as follows:
serum iron 20.2 (range 12.5-25)
serum transferrin 2.57 (range 1.8-3.2)
% iron saturation 30 (range 15-50)
Rest of FBC all within range, except AGAIN for:
% Hypochromic cells 4.2 (range 0-2.5)
So as far as the GP is concerned, I'm not anaemic, and therefore I'm "fine". Endo is happy with my T3/T4 levels, and therefore I'm "fine". However I feel far from fine, in fact I feel terrible! I want to go back to GP and talk about the possibility of being Iron Deficient without anaemia, but I wondered what anyone's experience of this might be? Is the % hypochromic cells significant when paired with low serum ferritin? I can't bear to be brushed off again by another Dr. (The last Dr suggested that as my results were "fine", it was my low mood that needs treating!)
I have read Dr Hedberg's article about Ferritin and Hypothyroid (amongst others online), but it doesn't really go far in suggesting a solution - for example, is iron supplementation effective in restoring low serum ferritin when your serum iron levels are ok? Or is it only diet that can help with these kind of results?
I am desperately tired, dizzy, light-headed, buzzing in ears, headaches, constantly in a fog, wading through treacle physically and mentally, I feel like I'm going down the plug hole (with 3 and 7 year old to try and keep up with). I'm so fed up I'm thinking of trying to find the $440 for a Dr Hedberg online consultation!
Any advice please?