Hi all just had my get ready for winter medichecks bloods done, results are below. This test was taken 24hrs after my last dose of T4 and T3 I remember someone saying that as the last dose of T3 was 24hrs prior I need to add a percentage to get an accurate result? I'm really pleased the antibodies have come down from being in the 1000s could you experienced lovely people cast an eye over results any advice welcome
TSH 0.04 - (0.27-4.2)
T4 19.4 -(12-22)
T3 4.48 - (3.1-6.8)
TGAB 103 < 115
TPO 69.9 <34
Vit D 120 - (50-175)
B12 121 - (37.5-188)
Folate 15.75 - (>3.89)
Ferritin 127 - (15-150)
Many thanks in advance x
Ps i take 150 levo and 6mcg T3 in mornings