This is my latest labs while taking 88 mcg T4 for 2 months, taken while fasting, and no T4 the day of labs. I forgot to ask for TPO and TG to be tested again, on my last lab it was indicated that I have Hashimoto’s, and on my last labs posted on here I was told that I needed to find a new Dr, the one I want to see doesn’t accept insurance and I may be faced with a move soon so I am waiting to find a new one and trying to stay alive in the meantime.
Free (T4) 1.52 ng/dL (0.82–1.77)
TSH 0.180 ulU/mL. (0.450–4.500). Total (T3) 70 ng/dL (71–180). Free ( T3) 2.6 pg/mL. (2.0–4.4). Vitamin B12 513 pg/mL. ( >3.0 ). Folate (Folic Acid) >20.0 ng/mL. (>3.0). Vitamin D 32.1 ng/mL. (30.0–100.0). Ferritin 120ng/mL. (15–150). Selenium 221 ug/L. ( 100–340 ). I greatly appreciate any help on these, my Dr. says these results are good, my body tells me that he couldn’t be anymore wrong.