I spent the night in the hospital due to shortness of breath and high pulse rate from COVID, 12 days past my COVID diagnosis. I got lab tests when I was there. Can you tell me if I can learn anything from these results or if they are likely invalid because I was ill? The things that are baffling to me are my high FT4 and high Vitamin D.
I usually take 180 mg Armour but I increased a bit with my COVID diagnosis, have raised slightly to about 200mg Armour.
These results were about 30 hours past my Armour dose, so my FT3 is probably artificially low. I usually split the dose the day before, but did not this time as labs were unexpected.
Free T3 2.8 pg/mL (range 1.7-3.7). My usual result is 3.8-4.4 pg/mL (usual range 2.3-4.2 pg/mL)
Free T4 2.0 ng/dL, (range: 0.93-1.70) ABOVE RANGE. My usual result is between 0.9-1.1 ng/dL (usual range 0.8-1.8 ng/dL). I once had a FT4 reading of 1.5 ng/dL when I was having a Hashi's flare, but never any high result like this one
TSH 0.02 mIU/L (range: 0.27-4.20). My usual result is <0.01 mIU/L (usual range 0.40-4.50)
Vitamin D 86 ng/mL (range: Sufficiency:>= 30 ng/mL). My last Vitamin D result from 6 weeks ago was 33 ng/mL. I have been supplementing with 50,000 IU of Vitamin D weekly since my last lab result. But would have it gone up so quickly?
They also tested many other things, and I was out of range on these:
MEAN CORPUSCULAR HEMOGLOBIN, 31.3 pg (range: 27.0-31.0), above range
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT, 4.19 x10e12/L (range 4.20-5.40), below range
EOSINOPHILS (%) 0.0 % (range: 0.5-11.0), below range