Symptomatic but my results don’t reflect me fee... - Thyroid UK

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Symptomatic but my results don’t reflect me feeling unwell - help!

Paolatello profile image
26 Replies

Hi all

My recent results are:

TSH is 0.79 (3.5-5.5)

Free T3 is 4.6 (3.5-6.5)

Free T4 is 14.5 (10-20)

TPO is 112 (<35)

GP says it’s normal. I’ve already been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s years ago but never been medicated because my results are always “normal”.

I’m getting worse and worse symptom wise and no one seems to help. My vitamins are fine except my ferritin was below range but now I’m taking ferrous fumerate to rectify that. My cholesterol is 6 which I know isn’t awful but I’m only 35, vegetarian and slim, don’t smoke or drink and walk all day for work so I feel it shouldn’t be above range.

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Paolatello profile image
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26 Replies
NWA6 profile image

Well they most certainly do reflect your feelings. Forget about the TSH (something your GP will have a hard job doing 😩)

You could easily raise your FT’s with a little Levo without going over range.

Is it a hard no from your GP? I wonder if your problem is more secondary Hypothyroidism. Your pituitary is not sending out enough TSH? I often wondered if mine struggled even though my diagnosis was Hashi’s in the end but 🤷‍♀️ just thinking out loud.

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to NWA6

Thank you for your response. So my T3 isn’t ok?

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to NWA6

Also, why do you say to ignore my TSH? They didn’t even want to test my free Ts. They said TSH is all that matters

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Paolatello

I say ignore TSH because it’s low but you feel rubbish and you have a diagnosis of Hashi’s and your vitamins are ‘fine’ although if you post results then some members will tell you the difference between ‘fine’ and optimal.

Definitely raise your Ferritin as that leads to lethargy but I suspect you know that already.

So going on your FT4 it’s really low, you’d need to be aiming for that in the top 10-20% of the range. If you did this then hopefully your FT3 would increase if you have no conversion issues. FT3 is quite low, esp as you’re feeling symptomatic. Some might feel ‘ok’ with this result for instance mine was usually 3.5 and when I was able to raise mine to 4.8, I felt brilliant but others maybe like yourself might need a higher FT3.

The main thing is, your FT’s are low and you feel rubbish. This warrants investigation and a 3mth trial of Levo based on symptoms rather than ‘in range’ blood tests. I’d tell your GP that you have loads of wiggle room.

greygoose profile image

You say these are your most recent results. Do you have an others? It's sometimes helpful to see if there is a trend. Having Hashi's can cause your levels to jump around.

What time of day was the blood draw for these tests? Do you always have your blood draw at the same time?

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to greygoose

This was taken at 9am ish and I’d eaten only a banana. My levels are always that sort of result to be honest. Sometimes my antibodies are higher and sometimes they go back to below range

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Paolatello

Well, we're not concerned with your antibodies. Once you've had an over-range result, it means you have Hashi's and that doesn't go away. No point in retesting them. They fluctuate all the time, so going back below the top of the range doesn't mean anything.

So, you haven't had any excessively high Free levels, or excessively low? To be honest, to a doctor, those levels look great. And, they know nothing about Hashi's so are not likely to start treating you.

But, what have they said about your below range ferritin? That should be further investigated and treated. That is definitely not normal, and you want to push them on that. Ferritin that low will be causing symptoms.

And, if your ferritin is that low, your other nutrients could also be low. Have you had your vit B12, folate and vit D tested? If not, you should ask for them to be done.

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to greygoose

Yes, all those were tested and ok. I’ve had really high (hyperthyroid) bloods in the past but not for a long long time now

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Paolatello

OK, so that was the Hashi's having a 'hyper' swing. But, you've never had very low results? If not, then your thyroid hasn't been that affected by the Hashi's.

Do you have the results for those other tests? OK is an opinion, not a result. Vit D should be around 100, I believe, and B12 over 500. Folate over mid-range.

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to greygoose

Folate was just above range but I’ve been taking folic acid hoping to get pregnant. My B12 was 412 and my vitamin D was 104

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Paolatello

OK so the vit d was good, but personally, I would want my B12 higher than that. Do you have any symptoms of B12 deficiency? Neurological symptoms?

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to greygoose

Such as what?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Paolatello

Pins and needles? Neuropathy? Burning hands/feet? Weakness, tiredness, lightheadedness, dizziness, depression, loss of appetite, numbness or tingling, walking problems, loss of memory, loss of vision, swollen tongue? That's all that comes to me off the top of my head, but there are surely many more.

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to greygoose

Not really any of those. I have fatigue and feel quite down at times but I assumed that was Hashimotos related. It comes and goes and definitely isn’t constant

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Paolatello

Well, your low ferritin will cause crippling fatigue.

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to greygoose

Thank you! I also get breathless sometimes like I’ve got a tight chest but I’ve always thought this was anxiety or acid reflux but maybe it’s the low ferritin

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Paolatello

So many things can affect our breathing, but certainly low ferritin is one of them. That would be the first thing to try and resolve.

SmallBlueThing profile image

We don't often see fT3 results from before any treatment, and they're needed to make best use of the SPINA thyr software. I've assumed the lower end of the range for TSH to be 0.35 and plugged in your numbers, giving:

Structural parameters:

GT: 4.93 pmol/s

GD: 29.33 nmol/s

sGD: -0.13

TSHI: 1.7

sTSHI: -1.46

TTSI: 57*

There's some help with interpretation at:

Your TSHI of 1.7 is fairly low in the range of 1.3~4.1

This number tells you if the pituitary gland is behaving normally in response to thyroid hormone, within normal functional parameters.

TSHI will be low to the degree that the pituitary is not secreting enough TSH in response to lower thyroid hormone levels. This is secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism — a compromised hypothalamus or pituitary gland, from any cause, and at any degree, from mild to severe.

If secondary hypothyroidism is mild (TSH is not completely suppressed and the gland is still producing T4 hormone in reference range), TSH suppression could be temporary, perhaps caused by medications or substances that reduce TSH (such as corticosteroids), fasting (calorie-deficient or protein-deficient diets), or a severe illness.

I appear to experience "sympathetic thyrotoxicosis" with stressful events sending me hyper. One of these was caught by testing, before any treatment, over the course of about a year. My TSH and FT4 went from 5.5/12 to 0.42/14 and then I had three tests with fT3 above range and climbing. You sound on the ball about insisting on testing, but for anyone else: insist on regular testing (at least every six months) when there have been anomalous results.

Lora7again profile image

What are your thyroid blood results now after 6 months?

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to Lora7again

My symptoms are the same but I’m currently having a better time. I still get all the above symptoms but less frequently and less severe. I know that it can change at any minute though. I haven’t had bloods done for a few months but am due this month. I’ve had bad anxiety recently and am unsure whether that’s all from my thyroid or whether I have a separate anxiety disorder.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Paolatello

You should be having a blood test every 6 months or sooner if you feel ill.

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to Lora7again

I know. I did have a blood test in August but I can’t use it as a legitimate result as I was early pregnancy and that throws everything off. It resulted in early pregnancy loss in September so I’m now getting bloods done and hopefully everything has settled from the pregnancy and I’ll get a true thyroid result

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Paolatello

I hope you are being monitored by a consultant when you do get pregnant because you need to be if you are not.

Here is a link

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to Lora7again

Yes I am. I got my bloods done at 6 weeks. My TSH was very low but free Ts were ok. I was consultant led in my first pregnancy and had no issues except severe morning sickness. This time my pregnancy ended at 7.5 weeks. I had no trouble conceiving so am hoping it will happen again.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Paolatello

Can you post the results please

Paolatello profile image
Paolatello in reply to Lora7again

My TSH was 0.01 and my free T4 was 18

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