cytokines blood test : Hi Just wondering has... - Thyroid UK

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cytokines blood test

Merlio18 profile image
11 Replies


Just wondering has anyone looked into the th1 and th2 dominance and cytokines blood test in uk as I am interested to see what my levels are as I have likely th1 dominance but then also recently in past year or so been getting kind of like histamine dominance reactions to foods and chemicals since I came of the progesterone only pill but nothing shows abnormal on blood tests for the consultants to acknowledge it and do anything

My current results from march were

Anti TPO antibodies >1300 (0-60)

Anti thyroglobulin abs 298 (0-60)

Serum IgE level 51 (0-81)

Tryptase level 3 (2-14)

Methyl histamine level 3 (0-25)

My reactions reduced only when I started to have the contraceptive injection to reduce estrogen as I believe this is my issue with Pcos syndrome aswell as t4-t3 conversion issues as I have only ever felt better on T3 only but currently am trying NDT but I don't feel much better compared to how fast I feel well when I have taken T3 in the past within the same time frame.

Be interested to know if anyone has looked into this and had the test to confirm if th1 or th2 sensitivity / dominance as I was thinking of eating to rebalance my immune system and reduce inflammation to see if it helped improve my overall well being and thyroid levels.

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Merlio18 profile image
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11 Replies
lamornabuck profile image

this is an exciting new area of discovery - autoimmune disorders are largely suffered by women

it seems that estrogen promotes allergies and autoimmune disorders and testosterone prevents them

male hormones modulates estrogen but so does progesterone this would explain why you have been having allergy and histamine issues since stopping progesterone

Most of what I have learnt about th1 and th2 is from the selfhacked website

Merlio18 profile image
Merlio18 in reply to lamornabuck

Thanks for your reply yeah I have been researching that website also I wondered if anyone had had the test, I am going to start eating low lectin as I tried it but needed to try cutting sugar out completely aswell to see if it helped my brain fog but I also get confused as I have pcos syndrome and have hiritusm and my testosterone level is on the higher side of the level but I def have symptoms of estrogen dominance too so thought it's a sluggish liver and the excess estrogen is clogging it more and preventing from detoxing properly and that's why I have been having these type of reactions as I even have developed a allergy to paracetamol since coming off the progesterone only pill in 2016 in the April of 2017 I took it for a week as had crippling headaches due to the brand of T3 I was taking at the time I think and didn't realise plus tried virtex too to try help balance my hormones and it seems to give me crippling headaches and then as the days went on I got more and more allergy systems untill I had a low level anaphylactic reaction - swelling of the face tight chest, breathing issues wheezing sneezing and rash heart issues etc and ended up in a n e it was scary and they just fobbed me off as I said I was sensitive to anti histamines which I am they said it will reduce in next few hours and it's only just developed this allergy since I came off the progesterone only pill, I can't go on the combined pill as years ago just before I got sick I went on it and had migraines but it was the only time I actually looked and felt well. And then when I came off it I got diagnosed with hashimoto's and Pcos syndrome so there is Def a big connection.

radd profile image


Hashi can lead to a dominance to either the TH-1 or TH-2 pathways but it is possible to have both simultaneously over or under-active, and each can suppress activity of the other if over-active.

Therefore, it can be immensely difficult to fathom any dominance on symptoms alone. I was tested for Diamine Oxidase Activity which showed an improbable histamine intolerance, and haven’t had the TH-1/TH-2 test as any over-active immune responses improved with optimal thyroid hormones & nutrients.

You might want to google TH-17 which plays a large role in autoimmune disease and chronic conditions if you are interested in (auto)immune pathway responses. I supplement both resveratrol and curcumin which have been shown to dampen the pathways that activate TH-17 by supporting the “regulatory T cells.” It is my hero supplement.

Part of our immune system cells live in an area called the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) just under the intestinal lining surface. Good bacteria (flora) interacts with the cells in GALT and are critical for helping immune cells mature. When good flora is absent, the immune system is susceptible to dysfunction.Therefore, I think the biggest way of managing any autoimmunity is to identify & deal with food allergies, heal the gut and address nutrient deficiencies. Then the body becomes instantly stronger.

Do you have recent thyroid hormone test results, complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) ?

Your thyroid antibodies are extremely elevated. Have you tried a gluten free diet ?


Thyroid/Gluten Connection.


Immune Modulating & Stimulating Compounds.


Resveratrol dampens Immune Responses In TH-17 pathways.

Merlio18 profile image
Merlio18 in reply to radd

Hi thanks for your reply that's interesting

Unfortunately I have had a massive ordeal with the NHS over trying to get a brand of liothyronine as I was sensitive to the only brand the endo would give me so I had to start taking herbal supplements last year as he wouldn't authorise the other brand and I started to become really ill and started developing allergy type reaction to levo aswell at same time as only these other strange reactions it was like my immune system went into overdrive and now been In a battle ever since so I am still really ill and dragging myself to work its been a nightmare my last results were at the same time as those above in march 2019 so been really struggling with no help from NSH so started to do more research but getting abit overwhelmed with the th1 and 2 info find it really interesting but not sure where to start

I eat gluten free but because IAm been so stressed been eating chocolate and potatoes and coffee as been so exhausted so I Def know I need to get these out as caffeine, sugar and nightshades are big triggers of inflammation so won't be helping but finding it hard as had massive insulin insufficiency issues causing sever sugar cravings been horrendous really.

Tsh 12.21(0.27-4.20)

Free T4 13.9 (10-23)

Free T3 6.6(3.1-6.8)

Also where did you get the Diamine Oxidase Activity test ?

I have loads of food and chemical sensitivities when I have done hair analysis sensitivity test like nightshades diary gluten chemicals and vitamins and minerals deficiency but found it hard to know where to start I have been going to see a NAET naturopath to try rebalance my energy system but found its a slow progress and I really need some effective form of medication to sort my thyroid levels out asap

Do you know anything effective in detoxing the liver ?

What medication do you take now?

radd profile image
radd in reply to Merlio18


Your results are unusual.

What thyroid meds and what doses were you medicating when these test were done ?

Merlio18 profile image
Merlio18 in reply to radd

Yeah I know it's all rather confusing I was on nutri thyroid but I reduced the dose slightly before these bloods were taken and remember feeling dreadful and felt very ill around this time I was on 2.5 nutri thyroid and 2 t convert previous from last October but at the time I might of cut it down slightly as felt abit hyper but then I went backwards after that and started taking 3 pills nutri thyroid and nothing helped I was very hypo and now I have just tried ndt nature throid but not really much use 1.5 grain only thing I seem to function on is T3 only since all these reactions happened last August and I am very sensitive to the brands IAm still feeling and looking dreadful as need to figure out how to reboot my liver effectively which I believe will help reduce my conversion issues but not sure where to start any ideas ?? Also would you beable to post a link to the th17 supplements so I can look into them ?

radd profile image
radd in reply to Merlio18


Oh, poor you.

It is important to regulate the immune system as inflammation can do untold damage (ie suppressing the HPT axis, and decreasing both the number & sensitivity of thyroid hormone receptors, etc, etc …. ) but sometimes it’s better to concentrate on fundamentals like replacing those missing thyroid hormones .....

and ensuring iron and nutrients are optimal (Vit D, selenium and fish oils have been shown to reduce inflammation/thyroid anti bodies. Vitamin D influences regulatory T cells, which in turn modulate T helper cell expression and balance the TH-1 and TH-2 response)........

and supporting adrenal glands as cortisol levels are already low and sugar cravings are indicative of adrenal issues ...

And by removing autoimmune triggers by following an anti-inflammatory diet/lifestyle (emotional stress created by low thyroid hormone will activate pathways involving the inflammatory immune messengers IL-6 and TH-17), you will be enhancing good regulatory T cell function.

It is a vicious circle and no single approach will manage a chronic state of immune system overload, adrenal insufficiency and low thyroid hormone.


Also, as you suspected oestrogen dominance research has been shown to trigger autoimmune responses in women.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Merlio18

Which brand of Liothyronine do you need?

Merlio18 profile image
Merlio18 in reply to SlowDragon

I have tried several brands and had bad side affects to them all and the only one I seem to do really well on was mayne (perrigo) which is free from.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to Merlio18

Tried sigma Pharma?

Or Thybon Henning?

Are your vitamins optimal

Merlio18 profile image
Merlio18 in reply to SlowDragon

Sigma gave me crippling headaches I think and Iav just borrowed a few thybon to try even tho it showed I was sensitive to corn and I didn't get any major side affects but a really heavy head that wouldn't shift abit like a hangover headache i have really bad brain fog too so gonna try cutting out all sugars as iam that exhuasted and ill still having abit of chocolate and coffee to keep me going at work so hoping if I cut them out it will help coz iav never been able to get rid of my brain fog and memory issues since I got diagnosed 12 years ago that's the one thing I wish I could get rid of but mayne pharma I noticed helped all my symptoms within two weeks tho my head was still abit fuzzy all the ache's and pains had reduced massively.

From march 2019

Vit d 25 hydroxy test 114 >50 sufficiency

Serum folate 11.7 (3.1-20.5)

Iron level 12.3 (11.0-29.0)

Total iron binding capacity 69 (41-77)

Transferrin saturation 18 (9-47)

Active b12 holo TC >128 >70 vitamin b12 replete

When I had a hair analysis test other year it said I was deficient in vitamins and minerals and enzymes








Vit b 3 niacinamide

Sensitive to some other non foods and had some toxins but I didn'tve a clue were to start.

It showed I was intolerant to all the usual autoimmune triggers









Food additives caramel, ponceau, msg glutamate

And certain fruit and veg

So got rather overwhelmed and I doubt I have cut all these out my diet at the minute but gonna try to do aip and cut sugar out completely by next week and also eat low lectin foods.

I am gluten free as I am really sick now when I eat gluten and only things I have recently eaten are a potatoes, coffee, chocolate and peanuts all the other stuff I avoid i don't eat any grains just fruit and veg and meat. Plus those bits I need to avoid.

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