I was diagnosed in Nov 2013 with HypoT after suffering with fatigue and entire body aches Over the last few years my dose of Levo has increased to 100mg until recently when my constant TSH of around 0.50 to 1.50 jumped back up to 4.3 My dosage was increased to 125mg in Nov 18
Latest tests - no meds taken for 24hrs before
FreeT4 above range 23pmol/L (10-22)
TSH below range 0.19 mu/L (0.3 -5.5)
Serum free triiodothyronine 4.3 pro/L (3.1-6.8)
Serum free peroxidase antibody IgG antibodies >4.00 iU/ml (0.0 -24.9)
Serum free total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 78.3 >50 is sufficient mmol/L
Serum vitamin B12 379 ng/L (197.0 - 771.0)
Serum Ferritin 124 ug/L (13 - 150.0)
Serum folate 6.3 ug/L (2.1 - 26.8)
They didn’t do any T3 tests and on looking back I can’t seem to see any on my file
Before I react to the below and above range results for the T4 and TSH I thought I’d ask you opinion
Many thanks