Vitamin B12 "normal" and /Serum Folate low - Thyroid UK

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Vitamin B12 "normal" and /Serum Folate low

clarabelle17 profile image
20 Replies

Am Hypothyroid (taking 75mcg of Thyroxine) - I have also had results back from GP testing and my Vitamin B12 is 365 (normal range 181-910), but my Serum Folate is 5.1 (should be >5.4). My Serum Ferratin was 28ug( (normal 10-291). What does this mean please, Is my B12 OK, and if so why is My Folate low? I want to know how best/what to supplement.

When is the best time to take the supplements? I take my Thyroxine first thing an hour before food. When is best then to take the Vit D, Vitamin K, Magnesium and if needed Vit B Complex - also do I have to Take Vit C with these? I have heard Vit B Complex could be a stimulent, so is that best to take say lunch time, as long as it's 4 hours after Thyroxine, and then the Vit D tea time with the Vit K and Mag, or is it best to take Mag away from other meds?


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clarabelle17 profile image
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20 Replies
Marz profile image

I would supplement Jarrow Methylcobalamin 1000 mcg B12 lozenges to dissolve under the tongue. Taking a GOOD B Complex will balance all the B's and provide Folate. Amazon will provide ...

Your Ferritin would be better around 70 so supplementing is important. Lots of posts here about Iron so have a read. Eating liver once a week will help and mine went high with Black Pudding 😊

How is your VitD ?

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

Thanks - Vit D is lowish - (40), and have started supplementing with K2 and Magnesium, but only been doing that a week or so.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to clarabelle17

... how much VitD are you taking ?

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

5000 ug of Vit D, and the K2 spray.

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

When is the best time to take the supplements? I take my Thyroxine first thing an hour before food. When is best then to take the Vit D, Vitamin K, Magnesium and Vit B Complex - also do I have to Take Vit c with these? I have heard Vit B Complex could be a stimulent, so is that best to take say lunch time, as long as it's 4 hours after Thyroxine, and then the Vit D tea time with the Vit K and Mag, or is it best to take Mag away from other meds? It's all a bit confusing!

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to clarabelle17

I take my vits and minerals around lunchtime which is more than four hours after thyroid meds. VitC helps absorption of iron and other supps. You haven't mentioned treating your low iron ?? For good conversion you need good ferritin levels ...

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

Won't the Vit B complex (with Folate) be ok for treating the low iron?

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to clarabelle17

No. Folate/B9 works with B12 in the body. Ferritin is stored iron in the liver as a form of protein. Serum iron has not been measured so maybe have that tested.

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

Why is the B12 within "normal" range then, yet the Folate is below "normal"? I thought as Folate was low, then would need to supplement B Complex with Folate? Yes will see if docs will test Serum Iron, thanks.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to clarabelle17

No idea - could be to do with something you ate the day before. Everyone is an individual and we metabolise things differently. Perhaps you hadn't eaten your greens for a few days before the tests and so the Folate was low :-) Yes you need a B complex AND B12 as the Complex will not provide enough B12 ... Iron is something you may need to supplement separately.

Everything you need to know about B12 in the above link - including books - videos and a detailed list of signs and symptoms - neurological ones comes first ... Iron Document.pdf?dl=0

the above link describes the different types of iron supplementation ...

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

Thanks for all the helpful info Marz :-) Will take a look at the links - have had a quick look to see if they recommend any types of brands of supplements to take (I don't think I will qualify for the B12 injections, as docs will just say it's "within normal range"). If I get the B complex on the link I sent, what extra B12 supplement should I look to buy, is there anything I should look for please - any suggestions?

Can I be B12 deficient if my test for B12 is "within normal range" as I don't have any obvious symptoms (except for tiredness which could be other things)? Also if you take Vit C - which do you take, and do you only take over the winter? Is it ok to take all these together (as long as 4 hours after Levo)?

I just want to get started but do it properly, and not make things worse! :-( I think my problems are down to poor diet, I also have "Fibromyalgia", and often so tired I end up not planning meals and eating quick options.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to clarabelle17

I detailed a B12 supplement in an earlier reply above ! The B Complex link you sent was fine - I gave your Reply a LIKE ! VitC - there are loads to choose from on Amazon so take one that resonates with you. I take Higher Natures Powder - delivery from HN is free to me here in Crete !

If you have been diagnosed with FM then it is possible you have low T3. Do you know your level ?

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to Marz

Oops sorry, I didn't check your reply properly, I remember now - brain fog!

My TSH is 2.7 (0.27-4.20) Free Thyroxine 23 (12.00-22.00) so just above "normal", Free T3 4.43 (3.10-6.80) and antibodies fine. These were done through medichecks as GP will only do TSH.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to clarabelle17

Your FT3 would be better higher in the range - say around 5.88 ... A conversion issue seems to be present as you have a high FT4 :-)

Avidreader profile image
Avidreader in reply to clarabelle17

cook in batches, so enough for 3 days? I had liver & spinach for brunch today (already cooked the liver (onions, mushrooms, garlic , for a dinner the day before) just wilted fresh spinach & added fresh bacon- so quick ). Most mornings if not I have a green (spinach smoothie- quick to prep & eat) Once a week I cook a roast with LOADS of multi coloured veg (enough to re-heat for 2 or 3 days- with fish or other meats) I also always have a soup on the go- Just put chicken carcass- in slow cooker for 24 hours, then pick meat off bome & jazz up with - any veg, onions, garlic, coconut enzymes (so as to avoid SOY0 - don't add stock cubes or Bouillion as most have SOY & even Kallo have sugar added! Hope this helps? Batch cooking is the key IMHO xx

greygoose profile image

If you're going to take iron, you need to take that four hours away from thyroid hormone, and two hours away from everything else, except vit C. :)

There is no iron in a B complex. In general, it only contains B vits. Although the one you've linked to also contains vit C, but that's ok. :)

clarabelle17 profile image
clarabelle17 in reply to greygoose

Thanks - what is the best type of Vitamin C to take, how much and which make etc?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to clarabelle17

Sorry, can't help you there. Write a new post, asking just that, and those that know will answer. :)

clarabelle17 profile image

Would this B Complex work well together with the Better You oral B12 spray?

clarabelle17 profile image

Have felt quite low, and haven't been on here for a bit, am struggling trying to make sense of information at the moment (have Fibromyalgia). I am looking at the Vitamin B complex again, and re reading the comments above, and want to get it all straight. This complex has Vitamin C in it (is that enough Vit C to take - 160mg?)

Also, would I still need extra B12 and Iron? Better You do B12 spray, and also Iron spray, would the three (Vit B complex tablets, B12 spray, and Iron spray) be enough to take?

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