Ive been diagnosed with undeceive thyroid over 1 1/2 years now and struggled to feel 'normal' even with 'normal blood results, I finally got an appointment with an endo, listed my symptoms and he put me on a trial of t4/t3, its been over 4 weeks and i have had a blood test to see if its working. I am feeling more agitated and have very sensitive ears and find it hard to stay awake now that I am taking the t3.
Here are the results PRE T4/T3 (Taking levo 150mcg daily):
Free T4 16.6 (9 - 22.7)
TSH 0.30 (0.35-5.5)
Free T3 - the doctor sing ask for this in this particular test so I don't have anything to compare.
Most recent blood test results taking t4/t3 (taking 100 levo and 20mcg T3):
Free T4 14.1 (9 - 22.7)
TSH <0.05 (0.35-5.5)
Free T3 8.1 (3.5-6.5)
B12 312 (211-911)
Can anyone tell me what seems to be going on as I don't feel right at all, I seem to swell with lots of water retention most days, weight gain, anxiety, lack of sleep etc etc on both sets of results and experience loss of energy on both.
Thank you in advance for any advice.