I just was reviewing older and recent lab work. A year ago my labs were without medication
tSH: 1.08 0.10-5.0 Reference range
Free T4: 9.9. 11.0-23.0 Reference range
Free T3 4.3 3.5-6.5 Reference Range
Recent labs with 90 mg of NDT ( same reference ranges) 60mg for 1 year, dose raised to 90 mg last month.
TSH .28
Free T4: 11.8
Free T3: 4.0
I am completely bone exhausted throughout the day, it went from about 20% life force ( energy) to about 40% on NDT. I am still sick/exhausted. My iron, D3, B12 etc are all balanced. I am having nightly heart palpitations.
What does it mean that my T4 is up very little with medication and my T3 is actually lower.
I have tried so many things, doctors, supplements etc, and feeling very hopeless to ever recover my energy at this point. I'm 40 yrs old.