I had my second blood test at the beginning of June and the results are posted below together with the March results. My Dr said my results had improved and therefore I didn't need an increase in Levothyroxine. I gave her an A4 typewritten sheet listing all my symptoms ad also gave her the print out of Dr Tofts paper, with the relevant para highlighted. she accepted the A4 sheet but refused Dr Tofts as she said she didn't need it! I then told her that unless she upped my throxine I would self medicate and had sourced a supply from India at approx £100 for a year's top up. At that she raised her eyebrows and agreed to increase by 25mcg to 175 mcg although I told her I had felt so much better on 200mcg. She said she would test my blood again in three months and if improved, would reduce the dosage again! I would value your advice, can I insist she keeps me at the higher dose, or should i purchase my own supply from India, or somewhere else? I would appreciate any pms with reliable sources if not India.
Results 8 March 18
Thyroid autoantibody level (XE257) 86 IU/ml ( < 100/0)
Serum Free Triiodothyronine (XaERq) 3.3 pmol/L (3.1 – 6.8)
SerunFree T4 level (XaERr) 18.7 pmol/L (12.0 – 22.0)
Serum TSH level (XaELV) (Below Range) 0.14mlU/L (0.3 – 5.0)
Serum creatine level (XE2q5) 66 umol/L (45.0 – 84.0)
Glomerular filtration rate (XSFyN) 81 ml/min 1.73m*2
Total Vitamin D (Serum) 80 nmol?L ( < 50.0)
Serum Vitamin B12 level (XE2pf) 752 ng/l (200.0 – 960.0)
Serum Ferritin level (XE24r) 213 ng/ml (20.0 – 350.0)
Serum Folate level (42U5) Above range >20.0 ng/ml (3.0 – 18.0)
Results 6 June 18
Serum Free Triiodothyronine (XaERq) (Below Range) .0 pmol/L (3.1 – 6.8)
SerunFree T4 level (XaERr) 15.5 pmol/L (12.0 – 22.0)
Serum TSH level (XaELV) 0.85mlU/L (0.3 – 5.0)
Many thanks in advvance.