Trying to help a friend who's been off sick for nearly 2 years. She's always been very heavy, at least 20 stone, but in 2015 she became very ill, could hardly breathe, couldn't stand easily,exhausted, put on lots more weight. She's been given water tablets, steroids to help her breathing, sent to breathing exercises physio, given antidepressants. She's weaned herself off all medication now, except for her usual inhaler. I've tried to get her to push for decent thyroid tests, but her GP said it 'didn't need testing again'. She's discovered that around the time she was first ill, it was tested, and her record said 'abnormal, speak to doctor'. But none of the 3 GPs she's seen has mentioned this to her. Her results then were:
FT4 17 (8-21)
TSH 2.93 (0.35-3.5)
Ferritin 159 (23-300)
These don't look horrendous to me, but not brilliant. Can symptoms be obvious before the tests look too bad? She often feels very low, and finds it hard to go shopping for example, as she can't walk far at all.
Any thoughts would be gratefully received! Thank you!