Hi, my daughter (20) has many of the symptoms of thyroid problems, tiredness, depression, weight gain, and erratic periods etc. She and her fiancé are getting married in 2019 and will be trying for a baby soon after. My mum was hypo and our daughter is exactly like her, almost a clone, literally lol.
Anyway she went to her GP for depression and tiredness who was next to useless, just told her to go away. He did a blood test for diabetes which came back as normal.
So I bought her a fingerprick test and she got the results yesterday which they have said is within normal range, she's given me permission to post them as she's working long hours in a very busy environment and is sleeping most of the time when not working as she's so damn tired! If this is a problem for you I'll get her to post them herself.
* TSH 3.54 mIU/L Range 0.27- 4.3
* Free Thyroxine (FT4) 17.06 pmol/L Range 12-23
* Triiodothyronine (FT3) 5.18 pmol/L Range 3.1-6.8
* Thyroxine (T4) 98.4 nmol/L Range 64.5-142
* Anti-Thyroidperoxidase antibodies (TPEX) 6.1 kIU/L Range 0-34
* Anti-Thyroglobulin antibodies (TGAB) < 10.0 kU/L 0-115
I know next to nothing about this really, so not sure if there's actually a problem or not.
Thank you, this group is amazing; I've been following and browsing your posts and seen how much you all support each other, nice to see nowadays.