Colonoscopy!!!!: Hi, I am about to have a... - Thyroid UK

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Ieuann133 profile image
45 Replies

Hi, I am about to have a colonoscopy because the consultants think that the final portion of my Bowel is no longer functioning as far as motility is concerned. I have to take huge amounts of laxatives to go to the toilet and this means I can only go once every five days.....

has anyone had a colonoscopy and if so, what should I expect and finally, has anyone else been diagnosed with a section of bowel that no longer works and if so, what is the treatment. I am petrified of having bowel surgery....

Many thanks


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Ieuann133 profile image
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45 Replies
startagaingirl profile image

Hi and welcome to the forum. Do you have a thyroid issue we can help with?

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to startagaingirl

Yes, been diagnosed with underactive thyroid for 10 yeas now along side lupus. I realise that both conditions could cause problems in the gut area...

startagaingirl profile image
startagaingirl in reply to Ieuann133

Sorry I know nothing about lupus. If your hypothyroid is also auto-immune, then the association with the gut is the other way round. It doesn't cause gut problems, rather it is linked to food intolerance and associated leaky gut, which is where food particles pass through into the blood stream, alerting and causing misfiring of the immune system. The immune system then mistakenly attacks the thyroid. I haven't of it actually damaging the gut to the extent it becomes paralysed, though constipation is common due to slow metabolism.

Do you have any recent thyroid test results you can share so we could advise whether your difficulties are likely to be linked to this?


Ieuann133 profile image

Sadly not as I have been in Italy for 4 months but all I can say is my thyroid is not stable, the tsh moves from test to test, anyone from 0.02 up to 10! I also have low cortisol and low ferritin issues so it is very hard to distinguish what is causing my fatigue.

Many thanks, I am going for a blood test on Monday, I will post the results when I get them


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Ieuann133

Make sure you have the FT4 and FT3 tested as well as the TSH - also of course the anti-bodies TPO & Tg. VitD - Folate - B12 are also important tests to have and to know the results. The brain has first call on the T3 with most T3 receptors - after that the gut/immune system. So I am suspecting LOW T3 affecting gut motility ....

Am almost certain the laxatives are involved in the bowel issue. Have you tried large doses of VitC and also Magnesium is known to help.

I have had endless bowel surgeries for Ileo-caecal TB and then Crohns over the years - so know a bit about guts.

How are you treating the low Ferritin ? Is that contributing to the constipation ?

I have Hashimotos - Crohns and a B12 issue - so not a medic :-)

Ooooops ! - sorry - forgot to mention that colonoscopies are just fine these days - especially here in Crete ! Was completely out for the duration :-)

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to Marz

Thank you for that, very interesting. The reason that I am having a colonoscopy is that my haematologist is trying to work out why I lose ferritin, I have infusions but then we just watch it month by month disappear so they were thinking absorption issues.

I will try vit c and magnesium. What sort of dosage do I need?

Crete sounds like a very exotic place to travel to for a colonoscopy, I am sorely tempted!!


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Ieuann133

VitC to bowel tolerance ! - now there's a novel thing :-) Magnesium varies in dose - there are many types of magnesium and some are better than others for constipation - have a google ....

Most people with Hashimotos have absorption issues. Do you like liver - as I have read that eating that once a week can keep iron levels up. I am lucky to love it !

No problem organising colonoscopies in Crete - done privately and oh so reasonable cost-wise.

Ieuann133 profile image

I am a vegetarian unfortunately... but I did love liver when I ate meat 30 years ago!

I will google magnesium and see what comes up. Thank you so much, it is so nice to know you aren't alone...


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Ieuann133

So how is your B12 level if you are a veggie ?

Ieuann133 profile image

Not had it checked for some time... will ask the gp to run a comprehensive panel ... yiu just get weary with the medical appts, sometimes I feel as though they think that I am just pestering them....

To be fair though, they always listen to me and run the tests that I ask for...

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Ieuann133

Only saw your reply by chance - please click onto the Green Reply Button so the intended person receives an alert :-)

Are you being tested in the UK - if so it is very rare to have both anti-bodies tested AND the FT3 ....

SlowDragon profile image

As you have Hashimoto's, are you on gluten free diet? The majority find it helps significantly. A small percentage are actually coeliac, but most of us it's due to leaky gut and gluten crossing into blood stream.

Also as Marz sats extremely important to check vitamin D, folate and B12 as well as ferritin.

Come back on a new post once you have the results, make sure you get the ranges too.

Magnesium is good for constipation, and with Hashimoto's we are often low in this essential mineral. Lots of post on here about it.

Calm vitality magnesium powder is easy to take, widely available and cheap.

Magnesium recommended as well when taking vitamin D supplements

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you, I will ring the doctors this morning and add the tests. I also have a Heamatolgy appt next week and will discuss it with them

What annoys me is that my endocrinologist does not point these things out to me. I have a complicated medical background and need someone to oversee all my results rather than them being viewed from a single specialist point of view...

moan over and thank you for the help


Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Ieuann133

Endos are mostly diabetes specialists and seem to have their hands tied with regards to appropriate thyroid treatment. We have to read and learn in order to find wellness.

MCDW profile image
MCDW in reply to Ieuann133

I'll leave those more informed to comment on the thyroid issues - but as someone who has had a colonoscopy-the procedure is fine (I don't remember anything as was sedated). The bowel prep is probably the most unpleasant part.

in reply to MCDW

I am having a colonoscopy in 2 days time and i am very nervous and scared. Could you tell me what its like.?

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to

Hi there, please don't panic about a colonoscopy, the worst bit is drinking the preparation beforehand.... I was partially sedated, didn't think I was as I was wide awake and watching the screen as they went through the examination..

view it as a good opportunity to get rid of all the detritus from your bowel for free... some people pay thousands to have this done in health farms!

in reply to Ieuann133

Thank you for your reply, it was very helpful.

in reply to Ieuann133

I have lots of lemon drinks to have while taking the preparation med., and clear soups.

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to

One helpful hint someone gave me was refrigerate the preparation so that it is cold when you drink it and preferably drink it through a straw... it really helped me! Let me know how you get on, I am sure you will be fine, didn't hurt a bit and I was fine afterwards too!

in reply to Ieuann133

Thank you so much for reassurance. I will post when ive had it. Another thing which im concerned about is ive had a hysterectomy and believe its more uncomfortable having colonoscopy if youve had hysterectomy. Hope not. Thanks again.

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to

Oh you poor girl.... such a worry, I can't comment on the post hysterectomy experience but what I can say is that 99.9% of nhs staff do not want you to have pain or angst. Tell them of your worries, I bet your bottom dollar that they will take it into account and make sure you are ok.... I have had many procedures and can honestly say they were all far less worrying than I expected. And the original reason for this thread was that I was about to have a colonoscopy and was fretting!

Big cuddle, will be thinking of you....

in reply to Ieuann133

Am really nervous now as have my colonoscopy today.

in reply to Ieuann133

Thankyou for your messages. I've had the colonoscopy Was bit uncomfortable and sore today. Nothing serious found, just inflammation, theyve taken biopsy. Glad its over.!

In my hospital, you don't get a sedative unless you have someone to collect you by car and stay with you for 24 hours - make sure you can fulfil this (or lie). The alternative is gas and air - don't try it - it's like being $&£*ed up the behind with a broom handle (sorry TMI). The prep is difficult for some people - wear easy to remove clothing and be prepared not to leave the loo (take a book and some CDs/MP3s) on the final day. If you are non-sweet-eating vegan, you'll need to live on boiled white rice for 3 days - yeeew! Much easier for meat eaters.

in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Thank you for your hepful reply.

in reply to Angel_of_the_North


humanbean profile image


When you have the bowel clear out in preparation for the colonoscopy your bottom will get sore. To avoid this as much as possible buy yourself some Metanium everyday barrier ointment. It's for heavy-duty nappy rash, so I found it in the baby section in Boots. Use it liberally every single time you poo. It's very thick but it protects your skin really well.

Oh, and when you start the clear out, stay at home wearing nothing but a dressing gown, and stay near a toilet.

in reply to humanbean

Thank you for advice. I am really nervous now as i have my colonoscopy today.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Lots of sedation 👍

in reply to bantam12

Thank you.

in reply to bantam12

I'm halfway through the prep. Feel very bloated already. I shall be glad when this is finished.!

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Remember to drink lots, good luck.

in reply to bantam12

Sorry to keep going on but i'm on my last litre of moviprep now and feel very sick. I'm scared to drink any more, i hate being sick.!

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Call the hospital and see what they say, it maybe that you can skip the rest.

I have to admit I've never finished the whole lot and it's not caused a problem with the test results.

My husband has just started on his first litre, he's having surgery tomorrow.

in reply to bantam12

Im in the hospital now. Theyve said not to worry about the rest of mediprep. I'll post later. Hope your hubby will be ok. Thank you.

in reply to bantam12

I've had the colonoscopy, bit uncomfortable but nothing serious found, just inflammation. Sore today so resting. Thankyou for your message.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Well done, good nothing drastic found, take it easy 🤗

Ieuann133 profile image
Ieuann133 in reply to

Well done, you can now relax.... I hope you feel better soon...

Ieuann133 profile image

Keep trying if you can... you don't want them to tell you that you aren't ready for the procedure as you will have to do it all again but as bantam says, if you can't, you can't. If you could have seen me, I was in bed, hoodie on with hood up and I had to get my husband to hand me the drink and drink as fast as I could whilst holding my nose, closely followed by a toothpaste chaser!!!

in reply to Ieuann133

I am still in pain after my colonoscopy on monday. Thought it would have eased by now? I had 8 biopsies taken, would this be cause of the pain do you think?

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to

Probably. I had biopsies taken when I had an endoscopy and I was in pain for about 10 - 14 days afterwards. But it got better without needing any treatment.

bantam12 profile image

Thanks Orangerose, yep he's fine and on his way home 🤗

Ieuann133 profile image

I am really sorry about that, I am afraid that I can't comment as I didn't have any biopsies, maybe someone else can offer some information but I think you should ring the ward helpline and ask them or possibly your GP just to put your mind at rest or get some help...

Positive thoughts your way


in reply to Ieuann133

Thank you. I phoned the hospital and they said take paracetomol 4 hourly, i am doing that ( only for a couple of days), and pains are less. Feel more comfortable.

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